
Of course he's using it to dismiss him, I'm just saying that I think at most his character is a product of his time (and cultural isolation) when it comes to racial sensitivity, especially when the guy is boning his daughter.

FFS I agree. The worst is when you have people who essentially listen to (shity) EDM music with Pitbull rapping over it or Katy Perry singing over it who still call everything techno disparagingly. Calling everything electronic "Dubstep" seems to be the new fad.

Agree 100%

No way, if you look at the pictures from when she was signed with a major the lips look less inhuman

I think we're also ignoring that Herschel is from an older generation when "that Asian boy" was pretty acceptable ( if not preferable to being called a gook or whatever), not to mention he doesn't seem to get off the farm that often.

I've only gotten a little bit past the Prison arc and she was still alive

If you read the comics, her not being marked is entirely plausible

@avclub-39a252fe0ba427fd461fcd765a72e998:disqus I could tell you but it'd involve spoilers

It's out of the way from any major population centers, surrounded by dense woods and swamps, and up until Rick's group people weren't firing off guns every 2 seconds.

Riveting tale, chap!

I read the comics, and that was not how Sophia was found, nor really how the whole barn story climaxed (a lot more bloodshed in the comics). The lead up to it was pretty apparent to me anyways.

Daryl has been pegged several times during date rapes

With the way women on this show are written, any intended sarcasm you had falls flat

Glenn is the best character on the show by being just so damned reasonable all the time.

If he shoots her through this hole in the sheet, theres nothing wrong with it!

I think the Zombie firing line thing wasn't the worst strategy to take on large amount of bottle-necked zombies, but I definitely agree that turning into a crazy person, and pressing conflicts within the group is not all that smart.

"Most people think Shane is crazy. He just had the rotten luck of being
born in the wrong century. He'd be right at home on some ancient
battlefield swinging an axe into somebody's face. Or in a Roman arena,
taking his sword to other gladiators like him. They woulda tossed him
girls like Lori back then"

And they're all in the south and using fairly common guns, ammo can't be that super difficult outside of actually having to stop somewhere long enough to accrue it.

And based on the little they showed it would make sense: Otis wrangled the zombies, and since there was a good day or two before Carl went out with the group (and got shot), Sophia could've been bitten and fell into the mud in the timeline given.
Sophia was a wash at that point because they went from Carl being shot

If the preview during Hell on Wheels is to be believed Otis (who wrangled the zombies) probably caught Sophia the day before he shot Carl and then got killed by Shane.