

Seriously, the minute I saw this on the front page I was immediately excited, such a good pairing.

Psycho Shane, T-Dog on the highway, Darryl via ghost Merle and now Maggie-empowered Glenn are all starting to realize the decision making process in the group is going to be the death of them, the shows totally setting up either a split in the group, or a showdown over leadership before the end of the season.

In all fairness if I was a wise old dude whose entire wardrobe consisted of a fishing hat and Hawaiian shirts, and everyone around me showed the emotional maturity and levelheadeness of a 5th grader, I'd be a bit of a condescending dick too.

Yeah my opinion on T-Dog has slowly changed starting with "Well Zombie", they've been slowly morphing T-Dog into more than the token black guy completely under the radar by giving him 2 lines an episode, hopefully this culminates in him using his god given name instead of making everyone feel awkward having to say

Same, I've gotten 3 people into Sunny based off them seeing that episode. The gangs group silliness and dynamics are perfectly shown, and Artemis doing the Sherlocke Holmes shtick is hillarious

Who pooped the bed is one of the worst episodes they've done? How much glue have you been huffing?

Way to steal my idea for an Aghori concept album, jerk

This channel exists, and it's called Boomerang

Not to be that guy, but isn't there music you could be reviewing that people might actually want to listen to? That said, this music is terribad in the most humorous/embarassing/lame way possible

I only like hard sci-fi

Shittiest remake ever: Adam Sandler (with Rob Schneider, Steve Buscemi and the Happy Madison crew) play all 7 brothers, Eddie Murphy and Tyler Perry play all 7 Brides.

It doesn't matter who wins, we all lose.

The "X's first album was better" trope. Daniel Tosh, for whatever I make dislike about his show so much, is  fairly competent stand-up, now and still.

The opening credits, and the song accompanying them seemed almost like they were pulled directly from Deadwood, surely I'm not alone in thinking this.

Yeah that was pretty beautiful, most of the surveying stuff was. I thought the color scheme was all around pretty awesome though.

Yes it does, I suggest you pick that up since it's the most bang for your buck

Seriously, and god forbid it's wet out, Converse get soaked if you're wearing them watching the Weather Channel

Seriously, what a bunch of silly cunts

Way to permanently ruin my image of Tony Hawk