
EDIT: I see that @wolfsmanRazor beat me to it

I'd be offended if it were anyone but Lobsters saying it.

I agree, we've selfishly been hoarding the awesome power of Dawes for the human race, it's time we shared humanities greatest creation with other advanced life forms.

>Implying that Dawes music wouldn't resonate through the ground and create a second Laurel Canyon

"Wait…so you're not actually supposed to beat on the brat with a baseball bat?"

"Non-toxic glue? What is this shit?!?"

…your mother

I may not be your father, but I am a mother fucker.

This has been a pretty U2 heavy week for both sides of the Bono divide at the AV Club, I suggest that after this Friday we never mention them again…for the good of the site and stuff

I think this is a case of the middling film versus inspired trainwreck; the train always wins.

Failure, but I think you already know that.

Electronic music, and the manufactures of it tend to be a lot more flavor of the monthy, therefore I think this has less to do with "doing their own thing" than "doing everyone else's thing and hoping it gets me attention".
As someone who like both heavy music and electronic dance music, I'm okay with the two rarely

Chugga chugga was always the sounds I made as well. You can even say "Djent" at the speed most of the "djent" noises are made at

Rob "Wincest" Schneider?

I see nothing wrong with this statement

>Serbs are weird people, at least the ones I've had to deal with
>at least the ones I've had to deal with
>the ones I've had to deal with

These would actually make me want to wear Converse again

Saying that "art" for commerical sale is "free shit" isn't a false equivalency, because I wasn't equating it to anything, just stating empiric fact that you can (and I do) get it for free.
Stating that not paying for an album, or torrenting a show is anywhere in the same league as breaking/entering someones home is a

West Side Story, bro! Sweeney Todd bro! Merry As We Roll Bro!