
No matter how old he gets, he will always be Ryan O'Reilly to me

@avclub-d390b7d1af40252a3ba81b6256304d9b:disqus , the latter half of season 4 (after Adebisi is killed) contained such fun plot lines as the aging pill, and the devil possessing people in prison, after that things got more and more ridiculous.

My first was watching Oz for the first time a few years back, and I feel like it gets unfairly left out when people talk about HBO series. Sure it went off the rails halfway through Season 4, but the first 3 Seasons are among televisions best

I'm not saying it's not hypocritical, but it's just one glaring case in a sea of it. And while stories about the prison drug trade would be interesting, it's not like Ross tells stories about the drug trade so much as finds new ways to rhyme standard hip-hop platitudes about dealing.

Drops are also similar to breakdowns in metal/hardcore music in that the song stops almost in service of crowd-pleasing dance-ability, and is also used way to much by way to many sub-par acts as a crutch.

When you say it like that I can agree with you on some level, however it still ends up being funny to me. But the plot gets elevated IMO, by when he finally gets over his insecurities in the end just to get shot down by the girl, which is something that resonates a lot with my experiences and is a lot better than just

Douchey, pretentious and also wrong; Skrillex has more in common with Deadmau5 and Boyz Noize than any UK dubstep acts from 20 years ago.

It does, but not really. Rappers persona's are more like that of a professional wrestler than a biography. You have to be familiar with the history of the character to get a lot of references they make, and while aspects of the character may be grounded in reality (sometimes), most of the time it's hyped to deliver a

I was a part of the resurgence of hardcore/metalcore music during the mid 2000's, being a teenager in highschool, and FFTL was one of those bands I was required to hate because they got lumped in with all the music that I liked as 'screamo', which made my fragile teenage ego rage at them for simply existing.

Well deserved TL;DR

This is probably the episode that went the furthest in making me a fan of Rudy. Great comedic performance, and you've got to love his anguish over losing a girl who really loved it up the arse.

I remember reading some comment to one of his videos on youtube justifying it as thus: "Yo CO's are some of the biggest pushers man, how do you think all those drugs get into prison?"

For me, it has a lot to do with when you first started listening to them. I got into punk rock ("The Big 4" at first; The Clash, The Ramones, Sex Pistols, and Black Flag) when I was 13, after having my tastes dictated by my brothers shitty Top-40 centered CD's. The Ramones were one of my favorite bands right as I

If you were in college right now, this shit would be inescapable at parties. Fuck I even went home during winter to see a bunch of townies set up a "Dance night" at one of the local bars where they pretty much exclusively spun brostep and Deadmau5.

In the grand scale of music, it isn't the worst thing ever, and his production utilizes the Wolfgang Gartner style of bouncing one melody line into 4 different sounds pretty well. However in the world of dubstep he is the manifestation of all that is obnoxious and uncreative about brostep.

His current dubstep act is leagues above From First To Last

I'd going to argue the other way on this, watching Soulja Boi grunt (and he does grunt on this song) "Uhh bitch I look like goku" is fucking hilarious. Lil B for the same reasons, except what he does is an elaborate parody of shitty rap. Shitty rock music on the other hand just ends up being "Nickelback sounding band

@avclub-cf4b19e32ce29fef04468ac9d2a6787d:disqus , I'm not 15, just not someone silly to assume that someone who performs music isn't a musician. Besides the point, Kanye West earned his name as a producer, as in composing and assembling pieces of music, so he fits the definition just fine.

Within like the first 5-10 issues no less. However the shows version of Shane is (and probably the only character that is) interesting, way more so than the comics.

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus  you can interpret it that way, but I really doubt that was Howard's intention in the film. I'd read it more as "Jenny the representation of the excesses of the 60's and 70's succumbs to AIDS, Forrest the guy who isn't aware enough to have a political position, just kind