
I second Jane the Virgin.

I grew up as an observant Jew, so while you were puzzled by the alternate pronunciations of the South African dealer's last name, I was laughing my ass off at JLM's pronunciation of "Tzitzit" at the beginning of the episode.

This episode was so damn funny! This show can get zany and soapy, nail realistic dramatic beats, and make me laugh out loud. It's just so good.

I think it has to be a woman. "Man without a face" = possibly a woman?

Jesus, this is the internet. And not Christianity Today. I think the AV Club is cool on cursing.

You what the key is to a healthy urethra?! Radishes!

It would also explain why they didn't reveal that Danny had read the diary this episode. I love this theory.

I actually think that has the potential to be extremely compelling.

Yes! I love this point. It's a testament to the writing on this show that they could take this premise — which is so, so tricky to maneuver — and flesh out all these characters, even making the villains three dimensional.

Personally, I'm on Team Rafael so I was jumping up and down for joy at the end.

But… last week. The speech. At the bar.

I agree with this. This was really her big break since leaving the soap opera game, and I think it took some time to adjust to comedy. But damn, she's really grown. She's now consistently hilarious, and I can feel she really embraces being a punching bag and makes the most out of that humor.

I think Elementary succeeded at what sets it apart from most (notably CBS) procedurals, once again. Subtle character moments, which you noted in your review. It is admittedly a step down from the premiere, but the foundation is definitely still set.

Eleanor Holmes Norton is though, right?

The Emmy's have pretty much abandoned network dramas not named The Good Wife.

Well, there was that guy, Cran-something.

I don't know…

And kudos on them for not doing that. That would have been too easy.

re: everything happening so fast

You would be watching a normal procedural. And I like that Elementary is striving to be more than that.