
A fucking plus for Clyde!!!!!

I'd actually never heard of her before! So this was a great introduction. I'll have to investigate further.

Holy shit Maria Bamford is hilarious. I could not stop laughing.

Part of Mindy's character is that she's a pathological liar and the hijinks that follow are hilarious. I agree, even the near-break up of a marriage isn't going to make her stop lying, but maybe it's a start.

You know what seems great to me. Sometimes people lie, and they get away with it. Why sitcoms don't understand this concept is beyond me.

New Girl and the Mindy Project air on FOX.

I don't see this as running out of ideas. It was really funny with Boyle and equally funny here. Why should it matter if the same general premise was used before?

I dunno, as I said Party Down did that a lot and it worked wonders because the cast just fucking sold it.

"there's nothing gay about a gay wedding!"

the pause between "that" and "is" was so damn perfect. Andre Braugher is a fucking treasure.

High Terry rivaled the gold standard of high characters:

I suppose that's an indictment of the film industry more than anything else.

Does anyone know how much Viola Davis is getting paid for this?

I just love the twins. So much.

The biggest issue I have with grades is they can cast a shadow on an otherwise good review. I like when I see some justification for the grade in the review, but if I can't, then subconsciously (or consciously, I guess) I disregard the rest of the review and complain about the grade. A lot of the writers on the AVC

I always saw the Simpsons as making fun of small town America (in a very… cartoonish way of course), in stark contrast to The Middle which embraces its setting.

Really? Because the Simpsons and Futurama were created by the same guy and he's very liberal. Kinda interesting.

I will say nothing except HOLY SHIT. Except those six words. And those four words.

I liked it a lot more than you did, Myles. The serial killer was legitimately creepy, and the scene at the end was compelling and further proves to me that this is so much more emotionally resonant than many procedurals I watch (they're my guilty pleasure, even the shitty ones). It is truly good television.

Well-rounded characters. Ken Tremendous delivers.