
I'm really enjoying the album, it's a slow burn and I think it's manifested more in an appreciation than a full blown love affair. Carly Rae Jepsen is my favorite pop artist right now, and her music brings a smile to my face — a completely different emotion reaction to Melodrama. It's not necessarily worse or better,

And what happened afterward, to David, how much he had to fight to get the prosecutors to keep the deal on the table to spare the death penalty in exchange for David's cooperation. It's not a well known part of the story (David happens to be a good friend of my father's), but the feds almost double crossed him and

I've pretty much always felt that Titus was as much the star of the show as Kimmy.

This one really resonated for me, as the staunchly atheist child of some very religious parents. Especially the dinner scene, where I want to order what I want but I still feel pressure to conform to dietary restrictions when I'm in the presence of my parents. I love them, but they still want me to be like them.

It would a really contrived way to keep Josh in East Peck if this miraculously gets a season two. And it would kinda piss me off.

So Carol Ann is definitely pregnant with Josh's baby, eh?

I hadn't even thought of the significance of the condom breaking, but the producers did say each season will feature a different case with the same core cast and setting. So that could be a way to keep New York lawyer Josh in town.

"We boned. It was fine," was the funniest line of the episode for me.

Well… Dwayne sorta incinerated his first wife's body, so your theory may not be plausible.

especially after the sex was "mind-blowing."

It's still jarring to see Jayma Mays play such a different character than in her Glee days, but holy shit, she's great in this.

Remember when their front porch had termites and Rory went behind Lorelai's back to get a loan from her grandparents? And didn't understand why Lorelai would be upset about that? Rory was always an entitled brat, and it didn't help that Alexis Bledel is an awful actress.

Hey, you shut up about Friday Night Lights!

We know him as the stripper who cries from Friends.

Same! It's freaky but also awesome. You just don't get accurate or funny portrayals of bipolar people on TV. Usually just strays into brooding melodrama. Hey! We have our happy moments!

I discovered Maria Bamford because I, too, have bipolar disorder. I found her sense of levity and humor refreshing, particularly at my lowest points. She is legitimately one of my heroes.

People go there to meet their spouses.

Absolutely. He talks about this, it's like the ultimate ethical dilemma. But he also says that turning him was the only way to save Ted's life because if the FBI ever found the cabin (which my dad actually visited, whoa), it would be a death by cop sort of situation.

Yeah, sorry if I mistook your point. I don't think Dave would ever want that though. I mean, the guy is such a profoundly decent man. He got the reward money and gave every last cent to Ted's living victims (including the families of those Ted killed, they're victims, too). He started an anti-death penalty charity and

The story is slightly different that that — Dave had no idea that Ted was the unabomber until the manifesto became public. He labored over the decision for some time but ultimately he did turn him in fairly quickly when he realized lives were at stake.