
Aren't they Jewish??

There has to be with the critical acclaim it's getting. Plus Netflix doesn't cancel shows as a general rule…

Damn it.

You're welcome! I was surprised, too, but she totally counts.

I mean, Noel Wells is a POC.

Noooooooo… okay, Elementary commentariat, somebody has to continue the Clyde Watch mantle in the comments! It can't be me because I'm not always here.

That was the funniest line for me! Although the whole bit was gold.

I just worry we haven't seen the end of Jamie's brutalization. He was sexually assaulted, but Randall was just getting started by the time the credits rolled. Ugh, what an uncomfortable 56 minutes of television.

Thanks, Myles, for the past three seasons. It's nice to have someone write about Elementary who actually likes it. You will be missed!

YES. Dumbest joke ever, but something about Tomlin's line delivery made me spit out my drink.

I seem to be the only one who really didn't care for the trial scenes, and it gets much worse next week. The jokes didn't land, and I thought Jon Hamm's performance was spirited but wasted on bad material. The courtroom episodes represent a strange shift in tone, and I hope the show recovers in season two.

To be fair, the experience is pretty terrible…

Do you know what women have to do when they shop for bras? I wouldn't call that a positive experience…

I mean, I think the show was satirizing today's music by demonstrating how awful Titus' choices were…

That's funny because Randy really grated on me in this episode and his future appearances. I couldn't accept a man so fucking stupid. It felt too cartoonish even for a show this zany.

You're correct.

to be fair, Dornan's American accent was pretty terrible.

Yeah I don't get that. He's given some of the best material (besides Kimmy, of course) and knocks it out of the park.

I feel like the "I can explain, you're in the Matrix" hilarity was shared with Lillian.

Some great visual humor when Titus is dressed like an old man, and shouts "I found these butterscotch in my pocket! THEY JUST APPEARED!"