
Genuine question: have you ever heard the phrase "this isn't the Oppression Olympics"?

Every item on that list are the reversal of actual things male comedians "advise" women in the industry (generally unsolicited, I might add).

Okay, dusting my long untouched AV club account to say — shit, girl! Stating pretty obvious facts about privilege in comedy definitely ruffles some feathers, don't it? Pretty sure that's all the more reason to do exactly that.

They're giving away free flags!

They're giving away free flags!

I distinctly remember something along the same lines being said at least two years ago — songs were written and even a title, but nothing beyond that.  But hey, the AD movie is happening (right???), so I guess anything's possible.

I'm pretty sure Scott intentionally scales it back on the show — CBB is about showcasing his guests as a sort of quasi-straight man (though occasionally he can get just as bizarre — the eps with Jason Mantzoukas, for example).  Listen to him on other podcasts and you'll notice the difference.

I was thinking the same thing. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

I thought that went without saying.

Ned the Piemaker has an idyllic appeal (awkward, adorable, and devoted, what's not to like), but a Henry Pollard would probably make me happier in real life.  Are we having fun yet?

Somehow the stars aligned and I saw them in London over the summer.  It was a life-altering experience.  Definitely recommend going, if you can.

I thought the faux-Bigby was supposed to be BBW too, but I think somebody here commented suggesting him as the Queen's Huntsman instead, which makes sense.  Either way, my only reaction to their tryst was, "Noooo! The hot guy's boning the witch!"

Certainly not the least of this show's problems, but I like to start small — Max/Johnny has got to go. Or at least change drastically, so I might be compelled to actually begin giving a shit.  For a split second during this episode, I caught the faintest glimpse of potential Caroline/Johnny chemistry and I was

I'm happily still in my Britpop phase.

You know the law!

"Zoo, ici?"

Huell Howser definitely needs to make a return. Though it's worth noting that I'd be happy with all Adomian, all the time.

Grill me a cheese
They screened an episode at Comic Con and things are looking good. Mr. Ford is supposed to be making a vocal non-appearance. January, come faster!

Boosh and/or kakow.

I Love Life
Wonder what ticket prices will be like. I missed Blur, but I'm interning in London next summer. How fortuitous!