
turns out, just hunks.

Komforte chockolates
I've tried all three (french toast, ramen, and tortilla chip), and they were all pretty mediocre. The ramen was definitely the least offensive and occasionally offered a semi-decent crunch.

Idiot Jed — Yeah, I think I first picked them up around seventh grade. I'm something of a whippersnapper, it's true.

Post Captain is a trial, if only in terms of sheer length, but the story (if memory serves) is well worth it. Though Maturin is without a doubt my favorite, so I may be biased.

Pleasant surprise
Not only were these my favorite books in middle school and certainly amongst my favorites overall, but I also just started rereading them this past week (something I probably never would've attempted if my laptop hadn't shorted out). So it was a pleasant surprise to find this crop up in my RSS feed