
I guess partly I want to push back against the binary classification of "one's passion" and "everything else". There's a lot of pressure in our culture to identify and pursue your passion, but I just… don't really think that's how people are wired. People are too complicated to have one specific thing that they're

I'm not sure what problem you're talking about.

Sure, that's fair, it's unreasonable to expect everyone who complains about society on the internet to have a worked-out plan for how to fix it. But I think it is reasonable to expect a little thought about whether your goals are achievable. Maybe I'm still misunderstanding what it is you actually want, but it seems

I'm not saying nobody should study the creative arts, just that fewer probably should than currently do.

Oh, I wasn't even talking about autodidacts. That's actually kind of a pet peeve of mine — the whole Good Will Hunting, formal-education-is-stupid-because-libraries argument. Yeah, you can learn everything in a college curriculum for free, but basically nobody does. I think there is massive and widely

I think comments about what corporations ought to do, for the good of society, are fairly useless if the goal is anything other than venting one's spleen. Corporations will do whatever they think will make them the most money. If you want to change their behavior you need to change their incentives somehow. Orange

Okay, I agree with most of that. I'll just note that I don't think learning for it's own sake is incompatible with a dose of pragmatism when it comes to choosing a focus.

I think part of making high school kids better informed about their options is being realistic about the consequences of the choices they have to make, and that others have made before them. I agree that there's no need to be cruel about this — I personally am not calling anybody a 'failure'. But I think that

I understand what you and others are upset about, but I'm still not understanding what you want done about it.

I vote that the arbitrary amount of money be more than however much I have.

I don't really understand what you're advocating for. I don't disagree that philosophy and art and all that are important and necessary; the problem is the need for those things is vastly smaller than the number of people who want to do them. (e.g., the number of aspiring writers is far, far greater than the number of

I agree, it was a very effective scene. But I can never resist making an obvious joke.

Numb arm… numb arm… narm… NARM.

I feel I was denied… critical… NEED TO KNOW… information.

Yeah, they were going straight to the Umbers.

I liked how Cersei started off that scene by talking about how they all needed to work together, then pitched a plan that doesn't require her involvement at all.

That was the High Septon.

I thought her reaction the first time he asked made it pretty clear that Stannis and Shireen were dead. I guess you could argue he should've pressed for details sooner. I'm not really clear on how much time is supposed to have passed in that storyline anyway.

That was his first question when Melisandre showed up last season.

Sure, but "no worse than Steve Harvey," isn't exactly a ringing endorsement.