
Was it based on the book? There's a very popular how-to-knit book by that name.

There was a scene where Kevan specifically decided to oppose her. In S5E2, at the first meeting of the small council after Tywin's death. Cersei essentially takes control, makes various appointments (including Kevan to Master of War), and declines to name a new Hand of the King to replace Tywin. (Pycelle and Mace both

I'm pretty sure they've said they lost about half their men when the wildlings attacked Castle Black, so there can't be more than 40 or so left.

She was leaving off a few others as well. Thoros, Beric, and Melisandre (as "The Red Lady", I think) were all on there at one point.

You can like a character as a character without approving of them as a person.

I think part of it is that he's played some characters who, by design, were very unlikeable. And for some people there isn't much of a distinction between "I don't like that character" and "I don't like that actor".


Providing an in-universe explanation for why your story was so crappy doesn't retrospectively make that story any less dull.

That does make me feel better.

She's charming in Baghead too, Mr. Greene is just a terrible person.

Hey, you're right! First thing tomorrow, I'm gonna punch Dr. Dre in the back of the head.

Close, but it's "Stars and Celebrities", not "Celebrities and Stars"

Right. It's not an umlaut, it's a diaeresis.

You could have your own reality show! I Married a Whore, Wednesdays at 8 on TLC.

I've never read a comic book, and I thought Ant-Man made as much sense as any other popcorn flick.

And they didn't even do a very good job of curating their twitter jokes. That "let me down one last time" joke has been kicking around in one form or another for decades, and this was a particularly weak version of it.

Maybe it's not a movie. Maybe it's a bimonthly curated box of snacks.

There are at least three movies and a heavy metal album all called Leviathan, and none of them gave me any insight into the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes.

Arguably the more serious danger is being right-swiped for racism.

I'd like to eat a donut.