
Godspeed, little doodle.

Godspeed, little doodle.

Godspeed, little doodle.

And Lisa, I guess this is the time to tell you… you're adopted, and I don't like you.

And Lisa, I guess this is the time to tell you… you're adopted, and I don't like you.

That's nothing, I'm still mad about them switching to Disqus.

Well, you wanna know what I think? I think Casper is the ghost of Richie Rich.

I don't think caring more about dogs than other animals automatically makes anyone a hypocrite, I was just annoyed by you pretending not to understand "what one has to do with the other" when you clearly do. That said, I do think that if someone is outraged by the 'cruelty' in this particular video (and I really

Don't feel bad for not knowing this, but meat actually comes from animals. Some of which are even cute!

So that's why Belichick wrote that letter to Trump…

It's telling that that scene makes more sense if you mentally replace Tom Brady with Dennis Reynolds from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Collinsworth can be obnoxious, but he's also able to make intelligent observations about the game from time to time. You can't really say the same about Aikman or Simms.

I think she took them from the dead guard.

I wasn't sure either so I went back and rewatched the scene. Can confirm that she threatens to prosecute at the very end of their conversation.

If I'm not mistaken at the end of their conversation she threatened to prosecute Erlich if he didn't pay his debts, which wouldn't make sense if she was just a private attorney.

Mace Tyrell gets a lot of flack for being kind of a dimwit, but you have to give him credit: when was the last time we saw a named character show up to battle actually wearing a helmet?

Next episode is just going to be a full hour of Gendry hanging out with Nymeria and Syrio Forel.

I'm with you. I'm not an expert, so I'll take everyone else's word for it that it's not, but this sort of thing really seems to me like it should be fair use.

Gap year makes a lot of sense to me, at least when it's a feasible option.

I guess it's not clear to me that "the skills offered by philosophy students" can't be developed in parallel with the skills employers are willing to pay for.