
Well I guess it depends how you define "having sex." If you are sticking a foreign object up a sex organ, you are having sex by some definitions. Anyway, the anecdote scratches that old, familiar "girls talking on the phone with their mothers while having sex" itch .

I'm happy. Girls talking on the phone with their mothers while having sex is my fetish.

This is one of those songs I used to listen to when I felt like shit and just wanted to wallow in it. Turns out that's not really a good strategy for coping with depression.

"She's sixteen this month. My Eskimo kisses are ready."

Actually How Did This Get Made sort of liked how crazy it was.

A favorite recipe of the Aryan Knights, I presume.

Some places have a little concession stand you can buy stuff from - like ramen noodles and stuff. A friend of mine got sent to a local jail for a few weeks and got his ass kicked for exhausting the supplies of Fritos.

Looks like something they just felt like doing. I'm guessing they aren't planning to take over the culture with this, but they recorded it and thought a few people might like to hear it. I don't see anything deserving of Miley-level scorn.

I don't want people knowing what music I listen to. No matter what you listen to, someone you know will think less of you for it. If you listen to pop, you're a plebeian. If you listen to indie rock, you're a wannabe hipster. It's a no-win situation.

I hope he has it dry cleaned first.

That's EXACTLY the kind of shit the universe likes to pull.

Damn, this is a nerdy obit. I mean that in a good way, though.

…and even that article is 12 years old. We've been bored of him for at least 12 years and yet he's still around.

Agreed. A friend made me watch the original. I love bad movies, but it just isn't fun when they are in on the joke.

That, or one of my literotica contributions.

… but kidnapping her will still be illegal no matter how old she gets.

Well at least you took your mom instead of the other way around. That would have been sad.

*jacks off*

If they wanted some Passion of the Christ bullshit for churches to bus dried out old ladies to, why did they entrust the project to Darren Aronofsky?

Americans find being a corpse more entertaining than NBC's comedy lineup.