
You might be thinking of Pam Grier

LDR is an epic troll and my personal hero.

Number of times I've been called "counselor" as an attorney: 0

Fox News Headline:

If you lived where I lived you would.

North Louisiana makes South Louisiana look like Cambridge.

I think that's pretty normal. It's the definition of a boyish crush.

This comment could use a good topic sentence to focus it. You're all over the place here.

The rest of the New Testament after the Gospels is really weird. Basically, Christians were telling everyone to give up families and a normal life and convert as many people as possible because the end of the world was going to happen anytime.

Oh come on, Christians would lose their minds if that happened. However, Judas getting a boner when he hangs himself would be a good-natured joke everyone could enjoy.

It's like the Jaws 3D of holy scriptures.

I guess Jason Schwartzman is sort of the nexus of your musical universe.

as long as that's all that excites you about this

MJ was arrested, tried, and acquitted. Remember the escapade in which he was allegedly locked in a bathroom with "do do" on the walls?

Michael Jackson and R Kelley weren't convicted for one thing, so it is always possible to say "the jury said he didn't do it! It was a witchunt!" In the case of Gary Glitter, it is really just a song we still hear. No one will be eulogizing him upon his death without a big dose of "well he was a pedophile."

We can always use more erotica with good production values and believable situations. Not all screwing on camera is equal. The brain is the largest erogenous zone!

Kirsten Dunst is underrated. A depressive who plays great depressive characters. Why isn't she your princess, AV Club?

I agree everything would be different if he had done this to a white teenager, but I don't believe that's why the girls settled. It is very hard to turn down a lump of cash in the name of justice sometimes.

You know there's a problem with a show when you feel icky watching it at the gym.

First five years were about creating great television, second five years were about hamfisted social commentary, and the last five years were about collecting a paycheck. There's your book.