
I sure hope for the new movie they find a way to work in Saoirse Ronan fondling Carrie Fisher's bloated tits. (Sorry, had to get one more of those out of my system before downvoting starts).

Damn. That's my birthday. News about a new Star Wars movie would be the most banal and uninteresting birthday present this guy could imagine.

Not being familiar with all the extended universe stuff and not being a Star Wars nerd, I'm actually vaguely interested in how the Jedi repopulate themselves after the fall of the empire. Still the new movies will suffer from the fact that the most interesting version of the main conflict between the good guys and the

"Yeah, just look at all the respect on that wall." - Morgan Freeman

Brits come across as more mature than Americans, so I think she could do 29. 

It'll toughen you up for the real world BOY

Oh I know when I get downvoted it's because I deserve it.

Way to be optimistic. If the comments survived the exodus of so many beloved writers to that pseudo-intellectual circle jerk, they can survive anything.

Here''s a hint: Kara Hayward isn't.

Now that I think about it, one of the really funny things about the climax is Owen Wilson going 110% juxtaposed with Kumar, essential to the plan, basically sleepwalking through the whole thing.

"I don't know, man. I lose my touch, man."

No matter how gay or Mexican our families become, we'll always freak the fuck out when we feel a family member is outdoing us or condescending to us. It's comforting in a way.

Don't get me started on seagulls. People treat them like special snowflakes, when in fact they are a dime a dozen and really annoying.

Doesn't it suck being that poor bastard who never knows where the line is? I feel ya

I've always found an excuse to avoid that ride. Something about the dropping just freaks me out.

Yes, either that or you overcompensate for your mistakes and end up worse off than if you had never learned from them.

Never bought into the boxing comparison because that sport was a victim of bad management and corruption that goes to the very heart of competitive integrity. For me, especially living in the South, football is such a huge cultural
force that I can't imagine it dropping off barring some additional
information or

I do. A lot of people do. I wish you could have heard the collective groan at our stadium when it was announced before a game Reggie White had died.

Medicine as big business creates all manner of perverse incentives. You will find doctors happy to take big money from insurance companies and employers to say hurt people aren't hurt. It works the other way with hack doctors who cater to plaintiff's attorneys.

They should go hardcore with the crankiness. Like the only way this will be funny is if he throws temper tantrums and belittles people in a way that is painfully awkward. Plus he should wear shirts with his initials on them.