
I can't fap to any of this shit, guys. 

I'd be curious to see if critics would feel the same way about the Harry Potter movies without particular directors' names attached. People are much more likely to like something if they feel like they are supposed to.

Well, she's 32 and it turns out she isn't as rich as we all thought. I doubt we'll be hearing much from her from now on, new video or not.

Looks like you had the right idea 2Pac. 

When you actually crap in your shorts you know it without having to check.

He's to the point where he's done so much cynical shit purely to make money that I can no longer accept him as sympathetic character in a real movie.

He's so banal and incurious it is almost sublime. I enjoyed the clips on The Soup, but I couldn't really get into the show because I'm jealous of his looks and happiness.

That's a great way to get a bunch of people talking about how much they hate Arcade Fire. 

I am more than delighted that Jena's Hollywood career is having something of a rebirth.

My penis will stand up for Cruel Intentions.

No need to hijack the comment section

The Merrida at Disneyland is gorgeous.  If you don't have a kid, I'd say it is worth abducting one for  an excuse to talk to her.

In Pigeon Forge, TN there's a Dolly Parton-owned Medieval Times knock-off called Dixie Stampede. The show used to be Confederates versus Americans, but that apparently proved too controversial. They changed the show to something else but apparently changing the menus completely would have been too expensive, so they

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Face it: The Onion has sold out. Sponsored stories on The Onion and AV Club, apologizing for calling that little cunt a cunt, and now either alienating or dumping the best AV Club writers all at once. I'm tempted to just spend my pop culture Internet time back on 4chan /tv/ drooling over teenage actresses.

I bought it on cassette at Walgreens.

Time flies when you're having fun?

I'm picturing Rod Belding from Saved by the Bell. Guys, the MPDG will always end up with the jock in the end and the MPDT will always end up ditching you to bang a flight attendant.

He's even more disturbing to me since he lost weight. There's something funny and charming about the fat, gay, minority outsider talking shit about celebrities. It is just sinister when a skinny millionaire is talking shit about people all day and profiting handsomely from it. Neither him nor Drudge survived the