
Ah, the Dirty South, where you can buy a dildo in the shadow of a billboard with Jesus cradling an aborted fetus.

I never got that quote. Workers sweat. Her heroes just sit around in comfy offices moving money around.

I skipped a life and a career and went straight to the electrical can openers.

She was great in The Brady Bunch Movie. The whole incest vibe made her even hotter.

Rip Torn is a beast. Without him, Freddy Got Fingered never becomes the cult classic it is today. He's like Christian Bale in American Psycho.

Election is her Adventureland I guess.

I think music journalists have a bad habit of creating "scenes," "movements" and "defining moments" that don't really exist outside the minds of music journalists.

"I'm the one who brings the Christmas candy. Now tell me, who's
your daddy? I'm the one who brings the devil's brandy. Who's your daddy?
I'm the one who beats you when you're bad. Who's your daddy? Who's your
daddy? Come on, sweetie. Give the old man some sugar."

LOL. Probably not the best word to have used. .

I'd argue that those coming of age now are more grounded than those who came of age in the nineties. When you have to hustle just to find a way to pay rent and getting on a good career path is a challenge for everyone, you don't struggle with things like meaning and authenticity as much. It's a blessing in a way.

Most art tends to be built around suspense, tension, and drama. People who live happy, normal lives aren't always the greatest subjects for art. There are plenty of people in this world who struggle to express themselves sexually in a healthy way.


Oh man, for anyone who hasn't read his first short story collection "Emporium," I cannot recommend it enough. Amazing stories about the fog of youth, and from a variety of socioeconomic viewpoints. So lucky to have come across it when I did.

Do you just not like stand-up as an art form? It seems like every comedian I have an affection for understands he is having a really great run and it is something to be happy about. Stand-up is something very difficult to do well. If someone puts together a couple of really good hours of it over a few years it is

I know this is just a throwaway comment not meant to be taken seriously, but it is still so stupid. Rolling Stone has always been a big backer of Taylor Swift. She's white as fuck. Also, Rolling Stone has held onto white dude rock and roll culture way longer than is reasonable.

Me too. I'm surrounded by rednecks and idiots I can't talk back to for social and economic reasons. Internet trolling fills a need for me. When I gave this an A I took some of the power back.

No one escapes from war unscathed. Not all wounds are physical.

There's a Michael Jackson joke to be made here.

Yep, Brian Wilson sure could handle his shit. His long run of emotional stability and prolific output is testimony to that.

Hell yes. That movie is terrifying for little kids with all the evil clowns and shit. My little sister made it through about ten minutes in the theater before running out screaming and she still hasn't recovered from those ten minutes 20 years later.