
Obviously the movie was terrible, but I didn't think the inter-dimensional beings part was dumb. In fact, if you are going to put aliens in your movie in this day in age, you have to come up with a theory for how they got here  when the theory of relatively is taken into account. I'm sure scientists would differ on

Disney wasn't actually that bad until Ayn Rand and the Motion Picture Association for the Preservation of American Ideals warped his mind. Like many an arrested development case, the sheer force of her stupidity was too much for him to overcome.

Tomorrowland is like what people in the early Cold War era thought the future was going to be like, so it strangely comes across as more like a history exhibit than a look into the future.

List could have stopped at 16 entries I think.

I think that place in Office Space is more of a TGI-Friday's clone as opposed to Applebees.

On a related note, my dad, who is a great guy but has God-awful taste in music, used to listen to the soft rock station all the time when I was younger. The one song I remember the most is Piano Man by Billy Joel, which I always assmed was sung by a gruff 60-year-old woman with decades of smoking behind her. Talk

If they are anything like me they remember the song from Tommy Boy.

That is probably the one Onion article that actually affected the way I act in real life.

To paraphase Beavis, I want to touch her butt and maybe her boobs too.

They would have to pay a hell of a lot to get a young actress like Emma Stone to give up a significant part of her prime sex kitten years for an Amazon-produced series. I think more than money would get in the way.

If you were an alien who came to knew earth only though TV and movies, you'd think every third human was a serial killer. In reality, they are quite rare.

I sure hope she got pregnant before she went into a coma.

I'm saving mine for Spring Breakers

Where my post-racial epiphany?
He mo' corporate than Tiffany

I actually work closely with a retired general who thinks of the mass terror bomings of civilans as the good ole days of the American military. He believes it would serve us well in the war on terror, no matter how disconnected it is from the stated objectives we are trying to accomplish.

"movie star" doesn't work like "porn star"

I choose to believe that my favorite artists don't think like English professors, so I would tend to say that it does not represent anything as concrete as her death.

I love Ghost World with all of my dork heart. I've probably watched it two dozen times in the last 10 years. Not much happens I guess, but I think it hits really close to home for a bunch of young people and the characters learn some hard, shitty lessons over the course of the movie.

I feel obligated to give a word of warning to small-town kids surfing the Internet trying to figure out what cool people are into: sites like this one can be a bit misleading. I just recall being a teenager in the sticks thinking one day I would move to the big city and find a bunch of people I could talk about

Any religion that has to threaten people with being cut off from friends and family in order to keep its members is probably a pretty shitty religion.