
First time AV Club comments have strayed into racism fetish territory?

Football may be dehumanizing, but at least the players are well-compensated volunteers.

Seeing Fay from Wings really took me out of the movie.It was a bunch of unknown actors, real FAA and military folks, and then Fay from Wings.

I can't remember torture being portrayed in a movie in such a morally neutral way. Imagine someone making a movie today about the Holocast or slavery without a strong artistic statement about how depraved those things were.

He's come a long way from getting HJs from Cartman.

Odds she tears up a picture of the Pope: 10000 to 1
Odds she says the word "fuck": 100 to 1
Odds she spoofs The Hunger Games: 4 to 1
Odds Bill Clinton will be watching: 1 to 1

I can put up with my family's conservatism, homophobia, and my dad's statements that start: "I'm not racist, but…" however, I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive them for laughing at that stupid duck all these years.

Lindsy Lohan tweeted this:

And I'm guessing they were not disappointed.

I think this can happen to anyone who comes to be respected for his or her opinion.

Well, based on those choices, at least your teacher grasped that war sucks.

That was the Children of God.

Will went through it. Remember when he thought he was getting soft so he decided to get a job at that seafood place where he dressed like a pirate?

Miley Cyrus is someone who grew up while being famous and made questionable decisions with the Internet. She went from posting dance routines with her friends on Youtube, claiming to do so to bring glory to Christ, to posting pictures groping strippers in like 4 years. As you said, it was pretty much normal growing

I actually think embracing the pre-release hype for Snakes on a Plane ruined whatever chance the movie had of being good camp.

can you expand on that? don't need to know the details of the poop just the situation

I remember looking forward to this show every week for its short run when I was like 10 or 11 and obviously had no idea who these people were.

I think Phoebe's porn star twin sister would beat them all.

A comment section devoted to knocking Beyonce down a peg is something I could really get behind. Not a big fan of the universal respect and adoration she gets.

Like my body?… I was honored to be on our.. next performer's new video… And if I ever record an album.. I want this guy to produce m-mine.. and make me beautiful duets.. 'cause he's freakin' genius!… Make some noise for my boy! Kanye West!