Chimerical Man

NICE pull! That's exactly who he reminded me of, I couldn't place it.

"Pizza is really yummy for me" is such a delightful piece of dialogue.

Agreed; after recently marathoning the back catalogue, Blank Check is now my first and favourite listen of the week. The funny bits and insightful film analysis are in such a perfect balance, and the dynamic between #thetwofriends is so entertaining to listen to.

When Hick Wiger came back after being unable to find Nick. Jesus Christ. I love how willing Wiger is to play along with Mitch's worst ideas.

I don't know if it means anything that Gloria eventually got Varga into a holding cell thanks to facial recognition software (and an image from a security camera), but it feels like, maybe?

Didn't he immediately acknowledge that that was just a bit to guilt people into stopping with all the Harambe jokes because he was sick of them?

Agreed! I also loved her furious thousand-mile stare as Titus got into his one-man show.

Also, when Fraser sees the mummy alive for the first time: it roars at him, and he screams, fires his shotgun at it and runs away. The absolute right move!

They both forgot how to pronounce Achtung Baby!

To be able to say absolutely nothing with that level of self-assured confidence.

"Jesus was crucified in just one night"
"…It took three days"

That was perfect. It feels like Lester killing his wife after meeting Malvo in Season 1 - Sy is overwhelmed by getting involved with forces so much bigger than him, but he acts like the stakes are elevated and he can play the same game as Varga now, even though he's completely unqualified.

"Don't do things that put you in the hospital" was such a simple but shockingly affecting plea. Amazing delivery.

And at naming background characters.

"Paunch Gigabyte"
Say it loud and there's music playing, say it soft and it's almost like praying

"It's whipped cream. It's goddamn whipped cream."

"But woe! Alas! I am changing, like a butterfly going through that one process" from The Wit and Wisdom of the West is maybe the funniest fucking thing I have ever heard.

Thinking more about that line, and remembered Abed on Community comparing his and Annie's friendship to Chandler and Phoebe's, made me realize that Phoebe and Joey seems like the only real male-female friendship on Friends. Any other pairing feels either romantic or familial, or else an odd pair of non-friends like

She's Jakku in Alderaan places, if you know what I mean