Chimerical Man

I really feel like Spoonman has been neglecting the Monster Squadders lately.

Both of them getting to "Dilbert's Dad" almost simultaneously.

Come On, Internet, There Was A Whole Series Of These Which Came Out Seven Years Ago

I was trying to find it to show a friend sometime after it came out, but I forgot what the title was, and ended up showing them a completely sincere "Romney Style" parody video from College Humor. Awfully embarrassing thing to vouch for.

Her genial examples of the types of comments she makes as an internet troll in her first CBB appearance. "Go fuck yourself… get in the ground, you're dead… your kids are dead."

Not only that, but the first time a woman was paid to kiss him to be funny. So grim!

I took that as more, Cap looks up and is surprised to learn that the SHIELD agent who had been spying on him as his neighbour was Peggy's niece. If the audience didn't remember her Winter Solider role, though, I could see how it could be weird.

I didn't pick up on the True Detective reference! Probably because I didn't watch season 2. What part was that in, what did Al say?

How about every parent's worst nightmare: Father Swimcoach Scoutmaster.

I cannot imagine the committee who decided to change the title from Move That Body to Rock That Body.

His main points seem to be that that Hamilton's political stances not appearing in the show differ from Obama's (but Obama is a terrible president anyway), and a hip-hop musical is a bad idea because it is not as innovative as people think, and it is not actually diverse because the characters portrayed were all white

I love this so much - it's kind of like a puzzle, but it's just based on knowing who these characters are, and they don't give you any hints that there's a right and a wrong choice, it just should be obvious to you if you've been paying attention as you play.

Chicks go mental when we walk down the street!
It's Batman and Joker that they wanna meet!

Where is Julie "Jokerina" Klausner?

Wait, did Pixies just play their own song Cactus which Bowie later covered? I guess that technically qualifies, but barely.

Thank you so much for the recommendation, that was amazing. Joe Wengert is so unexpectedly weird that at times he sounded like a character he would do on Comedy Bang Bang.

You have convinced me to check out this podcast, that's such a compelling description.

(wild applause; cheering)