
We used to have them, I have fond memories of drippy half pounders back when I was a teenager. They kept burning down in grease fires.

I know right! I love cookout for my greasy fast food cravings. I get either a BBQ sandwich or a burger with hushpuppies and a quesadilla with a mint chip shake.

The MSRP of the winning items would be considered taxable income and tax would be payed at whatever tax bracket the contestant fell into at tax time. I understand that California wants its taxes on the winnings in advance!

I liked The Condemned.  If you're not familiar with Charlie, you may want to read up on her briefly, though mostly you just need to know she used to travel with 8.  I've not heard any of the others.

There's an audio story that features someone impersonating the doctor, though he gets a few details wrong.  His TARDIS is a blue porta-potty, complete with flushing sounds when it materializes.  It's called The One Doctor, if you're curious.

I thought The Two Doctors was fun.  The plot is a little iffy, but you see both Colin Baker and Patrick Troughton hamming it up.  I haven't seen much of Colin Baker's run, but I'm listening to him read Attack of the Cybermen currently.  He does a passable american accent for Peri.

There are not enough likes to adequately show my support!

There are not enough likes to adequately show my support!

She's not my favorite or anything, but I don't hate her.  I'm glad she's not a full time companion, but its good to see her a couple times a season.

She's not my favorite or anything, but I don't hate her.  I'm glad she's not a full time companion, but its good to see her a couple times a season.

Can you do that with Blazing Saddles and still have a movie?

Can you do that with Blazing Saddles and still have a movie?

Demons did that for me.  I spent most of a season trying to pin down the accent of Gavin; he didn't sound quite British.  Supposedly its a Chicago accent.  Here's a clip: 

Demons did that for me.  I spent most of a season trying to pin down the accent of Gavin; he didn't sound quite British.  Supposedly its a Chicago accent.  Here's a clip: 

I always thought 10 wandered around for an unspecified amount of time between each movie and then before the end of time episode.  He puts off meeting with Ood Sigma, wanting to delay hearing his message.  They never mention how long he waits.

I always thought 10 wandered around for an unspecified amount of time between each movie and then before the end of time episode.  He puts off meeting with Ood Sigma, wanting to delay hearing his message.  They never mention how long he waits.

8) I fully expected some kind of Darth Vader/Luke reconciliation moment, but LOL NOPE. Dude tries to straight-up murder his only child, and she's forced to take him out. The whole Sato arc went from "predictable waste of time" to "holy fucking shit" for me in a few seconds.

8) I fully expected some kind of Darth Vader/Luke reconciliation moment, but LOL NOPE. Dude tries to straight-up murder his only child, and she's forced to take him out. The whole Sato arc went from "predictable waste of time" to "holy fucking shit" for me in a few seconds.

I just figured that Korra had already mastered the forms; she just had to apply actual bending to them.  We know she is gifted at the physical side of bending, so her ability to be pretty proficient off the bat when everything connected didn't shock me.