
Oh yeah…so long ago. When I was literally the only person I knew who watched it.

Most people don't even know there was a 4th movie - they think III was the nadir, and end, of the series. Man.

Know what I really, really liked about this episode? The three TV shows referenced were HUGE hits for ABC, and the Shawshank Redemption was, I'm 99percent sure, a Touchstone picture. So, the writers were apparently making up for being forced to shoehorn in that massive promo for "The Bachelor" last week (kind of like

Thank you, Alien Jesus.

I don't know that song but I'll check it out, thanks.

A stranger on the bus recently asked me, apropos of nothing, how that word is spelled, the one you spelled "canker". Why did he ask me? No effing idea, but I got great pleasure out of telling him it's spelled "chancre".

Yes! OFF with their little toes! And, a part of the heel, if needs be.


I kept thinking "Oh. This has to be a joke. Right? It's a parody of music video excess? Right?"

I was born in 1966 too! Know what the number one song was the week I was born? David Houston's "Almost Persuaded".

I saw Tony Bennett about 6 years ago, same thing. OVER two hours, no break! Just stood there and sang, and sang, and sang. And then he sang more! And he didn't even sing everything, he didn't sing "Stranger In Paradise"!

I didn't know that - thanks. It actually gave me a chill, to think about how much B B must love writing songs. "My songs belong in the movies! I have songs in lots of movies! Oh, you don't want my song in your movie? That's ok, I just want to write it!"

In one of Chaim Potok's novels, an elderly character says something like "There is no place like Poland to be a Jew. Except for Russia, maybe".


I had a friend who, no lie, was genuinely incensed at Draco's appearance as the series went on…more than once he'd say "Why does evil have to always be ugly?" He's pretty intelligent otherwise, so it still kind of blows my mind that he could be so…shallow and dense? I asked him 1. should they have replaced that actor

I like her! But yeah, weak link in whatever she's in. I'm not sure why I like her. Or what I mean when I say that I do. Uh huh, okay. Okay, bye.

Gahd, this trailer looks like a parody. The movie just was a no for me. Maybe Ethan Hawke's repulsiveness - ah, that's all I got.

If so, I wonder what they'll do with "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" 
Also, I wonder why this is in italics.

Many years ago, I lost a friendship, partly because I convinced her to go see "After Hours" with me, after convincing her to see "The King of Comedy" with me, which she had HATED, so much that she was literally angry at me about it for a week. I realized about halfway through "After Hours" that it was the same

"Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore" is "overlooked" as a Scorcese film only because it's so much different from the rest of his oeuvre. Of course, it's a fantastic movie, which makes it in some way the EPITOME of a Scorcese film; it's made by someone who obviously really, really loves movies, really really knows movies,