
I was in high school, and convinced two of my friends to go see "The King Of Comedy" for my 19th birthday with me. They hated it. Hated it. Hated. It. One of them hated it so much, we were no longer friends. Which was fine.


"But this is LOOOOOVE, that's all too strange and STROOOOONG, I'm full of foolish SOOONG, and out my song must poooooour"

ST:TNG it was particularly the earth-tones of the bridge, and other interiors.So placid, so laid-back. And the uniform colors - the maroons, and the harvest golds, and the dark teal-y blue (Troi's was this color, I think). I didn't realize until I saw an actual model of that Enterprise at a travelling expo that I

WHAT???? Is the Stephens house to the left, or to the right?

Her apologies for that seemed  sincere, and spontaneous; mostly along the lines of "I, like most actors/celebrities, should just keep my political opinions to myself".

Once I double-checked that the actor who played him was over 18, I had no problem with that at all.

You know, my major gripe against both "The Golden Girls" and "Star Trek: The Next Generation" was the set design, in particular the colors each show populated the screen with. I couldn't get past it then. Now, I can kind of stand both of those shows, but I have to consciously put myself into a frame of mind of "ok

You know,I saw the trailer for this last week, and when I saw this article I said out loud (to myself, yes), "Do you like Sam Rockwell enough that he'll make this worth it? Oh yeah, definitely".

I've bemoaned the lack of a "delete comment" function here - thanks, now I know what to do.

Nutty Buddies didn't have caramel.

"Out here in the country, everybody and their mum has a gun."

I remember that…so hilarious. Especially the time it takes for her to look at John Redcorn, and then at Joseph, and then back, and then at Dale, and then back, on and on - then, BOOM! She finally gets there!

Seen what?

"WHO! WHO in the media has been saying you aren't as good as other people!"

Cotton dies??? I did not know that. Why am I sad?

Loved it. Loved. It.

I have a dear sister who is so much like Peggy Hill…right down to her love for Boggle, and the inordinate amount of pride she takes in her Boggle skills.

This is the one thing I know I should only say quietly, to myself, because people just wouldn't understand the hilariousness.

This show really became one of my favorites when Dale's wife Nancy broke off her long-term, secret-from-noone-but-her-husband affair with John Redcorn to focus on her rejuvenated marriage. I did not expect that kind of character growth on an animated show.