
It could be worse…the last movie Gene Siskel picked as his best movie of the year was "Babe: Pig in the City". A courageous choice, of a stupendous movie, but people just loved to say it was nothing more than evidence of his to-be-fatal brain tumor…

People usually say "Shelly Duvall is so annoying in that movie", when they of course mean Wendy is. Duvall is so perfect that she's inseperable from the role.

I saw The Shining again at a theater on Saturday, and my favorite scene is where Wendy wakes Jack from his nightmare, he blubbers hysterically that he dreamed he chopped up she and their son, and her response is to chirp "Everything is going to be okay!". The brief look on his face in response says it all - it almost

@avclub-14e4cee178d88fb9aa346dbcc11f2873:disqus Yeah, but it's close enough, really. After watching the Donner version I revisited the Lester and enjoyed it a lot more. It wasn't ruined, like I had remembered it being. It was sillier, and I missed what I loved about the first, but it was pretty darned exciting and

OOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!! I need things spelled out.

Actually, that's how you know he's really relaxed.

I don't know how old you guys are, but hopefully you'll realize soon: you don't have to tell him everything.

He didn't drop her, she chose to let go. SO HE WOULD CATCH HER AGAIN!!!! I actually didn't put that together until my 10-year-old nephew snickered when she did that. After that first big rush of the helicopter scene, she was always trying to get him to do it again. From then on, when he flew with her, he kept her

That would be really neat. Of all the things I didn't like about Superman Returns, the drab costume was the worst, hands-down.

Now? Now? Just NOW you're ordering the DVD of the original? It was one of the first really "special" DVD releases - new Foley, isolated music-only track, many docs including one about the casting of the movie (Margot Kidder really was the best, it was a sorry lot). And a really great Richard Donner commentary.

Well now that I think about it, chest hair is no big deal to explain, since it only grows to a certain length. It's the facial hair that gives one pause. Though now I'm thinking about Superman's discarded chest hairs (assuming it falls out like Earth). Eventually, since they're presumably indestructable, they'll cover

I saw it twice too - the plot was a lot asinine-r the second time.


Maybe you can get Lisa that she has been needing. Those braces that she has been needing. How do I put this?

If that's true, you should know there literally is no such thing. If you like it, it's for you. Star Trek isn't something that people pretend to like to make points. By way of illustration, you should know that nearly anyone who likes it will agree that roughly 1/3 of it is genuinely not good at all (this is true

You're too cool for Star Trek, and Rhoda!

Ron Silver.

I never would have thought of it as a pointless cash-in, just a show with problems. Still, 4 years is a pretty healthy run, really. It was weird how the premise and supporting characters completely changed year after year, though not as jarringly as on "The Doris Day Show".

Cool it, SueAnn. You'll get your turn.

Actually, the implication of the shows premise was technically that she had left a live-in relationship. She's mentioned how it was done in reaction to the network's horror at the idea that she might be divorced.