
Helps what? I remember the Ford administration and the Bicentennial too, but those memories don't really have much to do with the shows from that time that I love (Maude, maybe). Carl Reiner said he purposefully made "The Dick Van Dyke Show" atopical so it wouldn't seem stuck in its era.

Not even the first two seasons? I think after that there was less and less "connection" as it went on.

Meeouch, wow. That's pretty…is there a word for it in English? Not poignant.

Did you ever see the episode of "Rhoda" where Brenda imitated Ida for her therapy group? It was genius.

They're loading fine - after you refresh the page and start them again.

Almost as weird as the opening credits of the last season of "Laverne & Shirley" - there was Laverne, riding her bike and stuff with the theme song playing, and…no Shirley.

My jaw dropped when he said that - even after all these years. Great writing.

He's been on television practically my whole life, and I still don't know how to pronounce his last name. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to have hurt his career.

I thought that was funny too. My sister had to explain that there was a song about "lady lumps", which made it exactly no more and no less funny.

Yeah, that was perfect. Dogs!

Was 3 the one with the gag about "The animals have been acting strange"? I still chuckle thinking about that.

Loaded question…

I do, though I never heard them before about a year ago.

I'm glad we can talk like this. I wonder what it's like to be married.

The Beethoven's Fifth segment of Fantasia 2000 was pretty crime-y.

That's exactly what I thought of when I saw this article.

It really does kind of suck.

I just saw Joel Hodgson do a live show here in Tucson, and I think he definitely gives the lie to that cliche.

I used to love him when I was a kid. Now I don't even like him much on "The Carol Burnett Show", though his turn in the "The Little Foxes" parody "The Little Foxies" is brilliant (and like most good parodies, not really that different from what was being parodied).

She was really awesome in "Annie".