
HAHA, "Fuck" and "Lay"s. I get it!

And the difference is - you.

"They can be a great people, Kal-El, they want to be. They only lack the light to show them the way. It is because of this, their great capacity for good, that I have sent them you, my only son".

When you are right, you are right. One of my favorite things ever. And it was fabulously expensive!

Stop playing the damn Superman march every time he does anything at all!

I never really followed the comics, but I remember seeing the blue containment suit Superman and thinking - man, that looks really, really stupid.

"You know, if you were wrong, Clark Kent could have been killed".

A local theatre company here in Tucson did a production of The Winter's Tale a couple of years ago which was truly marvelous, even the giant puppet bear which chased the actor's offstage (no kidding). I can't wait for their Richard III, which starts later this month.

I tried some of those at a friend's last week. God they were weird and gross - what a strange color - but they were strangely compelling.

But a perfectly-sized vaganus.

The biggest difference between the movie and book in this regard is that in the book Jack is clearly trying to work his program and stay sober - I remember him thinking about his AA sponsor, and I think he's been sober for over a year. In the movie, what does she say - he hasn't had a drink for something like six

It's definitely something to keep in mind for the next time I watch it. I used to watch sitcoms when I was a kid, and at some point I started noticing how these impossible spaces were present. It really began to bother me, for instance, that "Happy Days" often used an exterior shot of the Cunningham house, but when

I think what you're saying is you want to develop your critical faculties, since the experiencing of good movies (and good art in general) is only improved by thinking about it. The way to really develop that is through practice, and, as you've said, exposing yourself to examples of this kind of thinking. I'd

My ex got that on his first viewing! When I watched it, I had noticed that he says about his wife "She loves scary movies", or something like that. I thought - hey, that's pretty weird, because obviously he must know that the opposite is true. He's lying right there. My ex said he thought Jack was obviously full of it

Watch it, watch it - do you wanna get sued?

So many Marlon Brando movies, so relatively few worth watching. "The Nightcomers", anyone? "The Nightcomers", noone.

I read a description of this film which said something like "a woman (Martha Raye) with a laugh like a drain emptying". I still think that's one of the best pieces of descriptive writing I've ever come across.

I know. Isn't it funny we kept checking until we realized that we could?

YAY! It's true that "Rhoda" never really recovered from her marriage to Joe - it was one of those shows which pretty much completely changed up its supporting cast and situations each of the last two seasons. But until she met Joe, it was a fine fine show. I borrowed the first few episodes on VHS from a friend of mine

Weirdly, I think I have, but I can't quite remember where.