
Well yes, but only if by "difference" you mean in "numbers of people". In which case the difference is…what is it? Thousands? But the principle, not so different. I don't think.


Why do people care about things?

"My wife - I think I'll keep her!" was the inspiration for the song - it was said in a commercial for detergent, or some other household product. True!

I'd say no, but it's maybe a fine point. Eternal slumbering peace might not be so bad. Now that I think about it, though, I seem to remember that the kiss's mark on her forehead was more of a warning to those who would harm her that she was under Glinda's protection.

I know, but see it anyway. It works.

Oz is really great and terrible, but I don't blame them for leaving the word "terrible" out of the title".

That "Drag Me To Hell" outtake was easily my least favorite part of the movie - not appropriate at all to what came before or after.

The CGI overall was probably the best use I've ever seen of it. And as far as the china girl went - there's nothing wrong that I want one for myself, right?

But Glinda gave Dorothy a kiss on her forehead, which would protect her from harm. At least in the book, not in the movie, but in this movie she did give the kiss to the Wizard, which was nice. It was even nicer that it didn't make it explicit that the kiss was for protection. But I knew it was.

Not specific enough to this movie.

I guess I can't blame them for not wanting the word "terrible" in the title. I found "POWERFUL" an acceptable substitute. At least it wasn't "OZ THE GREAT AND WONDERFUL"


I thought that read "SUPERMAN 3". Which I guess it may as well, since SUPERMAN 3 also was a terrible movie.

Oh damn…I generally like Franco and don't like Downey (I don't feel really strongly about either of them), but Downey definitely would have been better as Oz…I wonder if Mila Kunis would have been better playing against Downey? She needs someone quirky to play off of. She was a kind of blank in this.

It WAS boring! I took my 20-year-old niece and 10-year-old nephew to see it, though, and they didn't seem to think it was boring at all.

I loved the flying monkey, mostly because he seemed so worried most of the time. I didn't find his presence at all annoying. And for some reason, I really liked the china doll, though it was distracting when Oz would pick her up and it was obvious that there was nothing really there.

Mila Kunis was the only one I was disappointed in, performance-wise. Maybe she's just really good at playing a particular kind of character and not good at anything else. Maybe just the kind of acting which the Evil Theodora requires isn't practiced much anymore.

I saw it today and loved it too, but obviously I'm responding to something which is particularly appealing to me, but obviously almost no one else. 
What's weird is how many of the reviewers expounded on what they didn't like, and then kind of an afterthought are like "oh yeah the last third was pretty terrific but

In your heart, you know he's right. In your heart-space. In your empty heart-space. What was the question?