
It was better than the season opener's constantly having him shout "New Jeff!". I was glad to see with tonight's ep that there's still some old Jeff in there.

"Patsy tells us you have cancer, we should talk later! I'm a nutritionist, and my husband is with Ticketron!"

Go on, Community…with this episode, you have my attention.  I hope Jeff's half-brother stays around for awhile - I kind of liked him.

It was something of a joke that apparently everybody had been invited to the Tate house that night. To be fair, it was a fairly casual atmosphere, and people were dropping in and out all the time.

Hey! I was gonna recommend that book! In the bright yellow dust jacket, at a used bookstore near you.

Much as I love David Bowie, I think that description was very apt with regards to Bowie's inexplicably popular output in the eighties.

Yeah, but you saw his cheekbones, and you saw his mouth. So obviously, whatever was under those goggles was super-hot enough to - well who am I trying to convince, he WAS the Cyclops!

Which, I just watched last Friday. My friend thought Jimmy Stewart unexpectedly handsome in that, which was weird, but I found him almost unreedemably annoying (pretty light-fingered for a loudmouth grudge-holder, there).

I just bought both "Reality" and "Heathen" myself, and I couldn't agree more, about both. LOVE LOVE LOVE Heathen, and can't listen to it enough - jesus, what amazing songs. "Reality" is very annoying. The contrast between the two is almost a textbook example of inspired work vs. not-so-inspired work. I can't wait to

That's so weird…I always thought it was "Sedona Dancing"


I howled when I saw that title advertised today. How can there be a 2nd "Last" anything!

Kenneth Johnson was a mid-level god of TV scifi - after The Bionic Woman, he went on to create The Incredible Hulk, and V!

"The Bionic Woman" was really it, though. Remember when that character called Lisa thought she was Jamie Somers, and they chased the real Jamie through a swamp or something?

Now I need to know what was in the original post! I'VE SMOKED MULLEIN!

Funnily enough, it's the "giants of American Literature" I've never been able to get through…"The Scarlet Letter", "Last of the Mohicans", "Moby Dick" and "Huckleberry Finn". God, god, I still hate "Huckleberry Finn", and most Mark Twain in general…

I had a Chinese-American Literature class - Woman Warrior, of course, but lesser-knowns like Fifth Chinese Daughter and M Butterfly. OK, not exactly obscure works, but it was a great class.

I'm pretty sure I read it at some point in college, but I remember nothing about it as well. I say we blame the book.

I read "Lord of the Flies" in 7th grade, on my own. I liked to read, and came across it in the library and - ah - I was unprepared for it on in every level but comprehension.

My neighbor at the time this movie came out had been a secretary for Kerr-McGee's legal dept at the time depicted in the movie - she said it was surreal seeing Streep in costume and wig. Apparently it had been a very unhappy time in my friend's life. She'd never come out and say it, but it seemed to me she felt some