
David Bowie.

Purdey was pretty cool. It's too bad the show had such a tortured production history, and that the result was a lot of pretty terrible episodes.

That's the late Mrs James Bond you're talking about there! She actually became quite the respected thespian, so there's probably a lot she would be good in.

Once again, Samantha wins over Jeannie hands-down. Can you imagine Jeannie fighting crime? Sadly…no.

"A TOOTley-atta TOOTley-atta TOOTley-atta TOOT!"

I love Sleepy Hollow too - Michael Gambon! Jeffrey Jones!! The scene where Depp/Crane is with the town elders and he's explicating what he thinks has happened, and the tone is so over the top and weird and hilarious. But it totally goes off the rails in a bad way by the end…"You're just in time to get your head

Depp didn't get ruined, I don't think, and Burton did it to himself. It's hard to maintain your outsider mystique when everybody starts to love love love what you're doing.

And the nonchalant way they pull it off, conversing normally with each other for a few minutes after.

I don't think my mother and I laughed so long and hard at anything before or since.

The smoke lazily drifting out of the slit in Sylvia Sidney's throat.

As an actor, she was the only really good thing in Woody Allen's "Small Time Crooks" (which overall was bafflingly bad - had this Allen guy never made a movie before?)

I hated it as well, I swear.

Not in?

So…since when are comments allowed on Savage Love?

Wasn't she something in that? I stumbled across it by accident on PBS. I even saw "Prince of Persia" solely because she was in it. She was the best thing about "Quantum of Solace", too bad she was so underused. I wonder if she'll ever do any movie worth seeing again…


My favorite movie too, hands-down. It's not perfect, and yet it's so…perfect.

Man, that's the second time John Barry's score to "King Kong" has come up recently. I gotta get that.

I just keep my mouth shut when someone says how "fun" it was (somebody who is too young to have been there, of course). It wasn't fun.

The warden can't be all that strict if you can spend part of your time on the internet. Ah, things have changed in the days since I…uh, never mind.