
Dear, you're being joshed.

I have to say, I've never liked Star Wars inordinately, and even what I do like I could take or leave, but Disney's doing it has made me take interest.

My introduction to La Mer was in the recent "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" movie, and I fell in love with it.

"Quiz Show"!

He might dare. Perhaps, in this postulated "real life", he is your friend, and can speak to you freely about television, and you can debate critical opinions and have your critical opinions challenged without fear. Perhaps.

"The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh". I just wanted to type that. Then, I wondered if I'd typed "Vise" by mistake. And then, I decided to leave it if I had. But I hadn't.

If he is the mastery, you are the studenty. 

Where am I?

I've been wanting to see it again since this column. It's not surprising that it wasn't the same with a cruddy VHS picture and sound. I thought the same thing when I saw it on VHS - rushed, stilted, terrible acting. I think the first DVD release was one of the early ones, pan-and-scan.

I've been wanting to see it again since this column. It's not surprising that it wasn't the same with a cruddy VHS picture and sound. I thought the same thing when I saw it on VHS - rushed, stilted, terrible acting. I think the first DVD release was one of the early ones, pan-and-scan.

@avclub-14e4cee178d88fb9aa346dbcc11f2873:disqus What? What is that? Is that a pun, that's not a pun, right?

Steven Spielberg was very interested in doing a Bond film at one time, but the producers felt that having a really famous director might overshadow the Bond, which I think is a good point.

I used to have a crush on Ron Silver when I was a lad, watching him on "Rhoda". It lasted through the 1980's, when he was on "Wise Guy", then I kind of lost track. I knew he was in "Blue Steel", but meh, it didn't look that good anyway.

Oh! It tricked me into…oh. Oh. Never mind.

I got a trailer for Twilight v Hunger Games…what's going on?

Oh, you could. Could you.

Two much earlier examples of this (movie star "non-singers" singing), one infamous and completely forgotten now,  and one somewhat famous at the time but I couldn't even remember the title just now:

This kind of thing is what, for me, makes "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" not really a success. The "funny" just isn't very funny, which would be fine if it were parodying "old-fashion" ideas of funny, but it's clearly not. It's kind of stuck between tribute and satire (which for me is a major problem of many of Robert

I thought the crowd sings in unison! Apparently my life is a lie also.

Surprising no one mentioned it, isn't it.