
@avclub-85f3375756047fba207ce9b85780313b:disqus Yeah…do you think it was coincidental that he looked just like Shelly Duvall? In both cases, it was kind of hard not to identify with Jack, which was pretty brilliant (if intentional).

@avclub-85f3375756047fba207ce9b85780313b:disqus Yeah…do you think it was coincidental that he looked just like Shelly Duvall? In both cases, it was kind of hard not to identify with Jack, which was pretty brilliant (if intentional).

I kind of don't get the "Steven Weber in 'The Shining'" hate either.

I kind of don't get the "Steven Weber in 'The Shining'" hate either.

I'm not Southern cooking, but "scrapple" will you accept?

I'm not Southern cooking, but "scrapple" will you accept?

Candice Bergen!

Candice Bergen!

I only made it to the halfway mark; it's good to know I didn't miss the good part.

I only made it to the halfway mark; it's good to know I didn't miss the good part.

@avclub-f979394c282f4c89bbd91e8ef5589479:disqus I remember him being promoted on the show

@avclub-f979394c282f4c89bbd91e8ef5589479:disqus I remember him being promoted on the show

When I happened to catch Jeannie once as an adult, I was impressed with what a great physical and comedic actor he was. I didn't really notice as a kid.

When I happened to catch Jeannie once as an adult, I was impressed with what a great physical and comedic actor he was. I didn't really notice as a kid.

Yah, when he put the hat on and raised an eyebrow - I got chills.

Yah, when he put the hat on and raised an eyebrow - I got chills.

Oh yeah, I kind of remember. They won't give you a new liver unless they're somewhat sure you won't destroy it too, and they never give one if you haven't stopped drinking - that is pretty rotten.

Oh yeah, I kind of remember. They won't give you a new liver unless they're somewhat sure you won't destroy it too, and they never give one if you haven't stopped drinking - that is pretty rotten.

It is a pretty major error, and makes the article look sloppily written or researched. Which isn't usually the case with AVC.

It is a pretty major error, and makes the article look sloppily written or researched. Which isn't usually the case with AVC.