
That's funny - I remember the liver transplant very well, but wasn't aware of any furor over it.

That's funny - I remember the liver transplant very well, but wasn't aware of any furor over it.

As I recall, in the second one he was lost or away or away lost on a space mission. I remember kind of enjoying the first one, but Wayne Rogers was not right at all.

As I recall, in the second one he was lost or away or away lost on a space mission. I remember kind of enjoying the first one, but Wayne Rogers was not right at all.

I think I read it in the National Enquirer.

I think I read it in the National Enquirer.

And NOT Victoria Principal, which also seems kind of a fitting, since she seemed pretty stuck-up.

And NOT Victoria Principal, which also seems kind of a fitting, since she seemed pretty stuck-up.

Didn't he take to carrying a battery-powered fan with him to restaurants, for blowing the smoke back into the smoker's faces?

Didn't he take to carrying a battery-powered fan with him to restaurants, for blowing the smoke back into the smoker's faces?

@avclub-675cf4954ee45de77c149af8d2c8186f:disqus  That's a pretty brilliant observation. The lack of imagination in general coupled with the fantastical premise bothered me. It was one of the first TV shows that I realized I was outgrowing - once I realized that all the plots were the same (like - ALL of them), I just

@avclub-675cf4954ee45de77c149af8d2c8186f:disqus  That's a pretty brilliant observation. The lack of imagination in general coupled with the fantastical premise bothered me. It was one of the first TV shows that I realized I was outgrowing - once I realized that all the plots were the same (like - ALL of them), I just

16! Not even 18, but only 16 years old!

16! Not even 18, but only 16 years old!

This time I checked the comments to see if I was repeating someone else, but apparently not, so:

This time I checked the comments to see if I was repeating someone else, but apparently not, so:

Argh, sometimes I hate how Disqus shows responses without showing what the response was to. I had to go back and look at who we were talking about.

Argh, sometimes I hate how Disqus shows responses without showing what the response was to. I had to go back and look at who we were talking about.

For a lot of people of a certain mind-set, meaning people who are always looking for signs of the decline of civilization/signs of the coming apocalypse, Hitchcock's one-two punch of "Psycho" and "The Birds" couldn't have had a clearer meaning. That this respected maker of big, popular Hollywood movies had chosen

For a lot of people of a certain mind-set, meaning people who are always looking for signs of the decline of civilization/signs of the coming apocalypse, Hitchcock's one-two punch of "Psycho" and "The Birds" couldn't have had a clearer meaning. That this respected maker of big, popular Hollywood movies had chosen