
And if I were simply to say the word "black"?

And if I were simply to say the word "black"?



Oh my god. It's funny because it's true.

Oh my god. It's funny because it's true.

Ah, there was only one Natalie Wood joke, wasn't there?

Ah, there was only one Natalie Wood joke, wasn't there?

God I loved that show.

God I loved that show.

After many (hoo boy, many) viewings, I have to agree that in Donner's movie, Clark is the "real" character. It's who he was growing up, and Clark informs Superman's character and choices, rather than vice versa. For instance, little things like saying "Excuse me" before he flies in public for the first time, and "I

After many (hoo boy, many) viewings, I have to agree that in Donner's movie, Clark is the "real" character. It's who he was growing up, and Clark informs Superman's character and choices, rather than vice versa. For instance, little things like saying "Excuse me" before he flies in public for the first time, and "I

Wow. Uh…no.

Wow. Uh…no.

Argh I hate how Discqus doesn't always show what comment a reply is to.

Argh I hate how Discqus doesn't always show what comment a reply is to.

Good observation. He also doesn't drive a VOLVO, invisible or not…actually, it being invisible just made it worse.

Good observation. He also doesn't drive a VOLVO, invisible or not…actually, it being invisible just made it worse.

Lazenby: "I do what I do because I'm getting paid for it, and I like the attention"

Lazenby: "I do what I do because I'm getting paid for it, and I like the attention"