
I think Frenzy has always had a pretty good reputation - even at the time. It was his first bona fide hit since Marnie , ten years or so earlier. It is one of my favorite Hitchcock movies, by far.

I think Frenzy has always had a pretty good reputation - even at the time. It was his first bona fide hit since Marnie , ten years or so earlier. It is one of my favorite Hitchcock movies, by far.

I did! So basically I'm bragging about having learned to avoid potential fun, I guess. Yay me.

I did! So basically I'm bragging about having learned to avoid potential fun, I guess. Yay me.

Me too. After the disappointment that was Spider-Man 3, I learned to quit while I was ahead.

Me too. After the disappointment that was Spider-Man 3, I learned to quit while I was ahead.

I'll be glad when that pic isn't the first thing that shows on the page. She looks very convincingly terrified.

I'll be glad when that pic isn't the first thing that shows on the page. She looks very convincingly terrified.

What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind!

What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind!

I think I've heard other stories to the effect that she was very kind and nurturing to people around her.

I think I've heard other stories to the effect that she was very kind and nurturing to people around her.

My only quibble with your story is the "little bit of trivia" part. That story is impressive! HUGE, even! Way to go!

My only quibble with your story is the "little bit of trivia" part. That story is impressive! HUGE, even! Way to go!

"Brenda Starr" was one of several movies she made for Golan-Globus in the '80s, so technically it wasn't made for a studio at all. I do remember that it was unreleased for a long time, but 7 years is insane.

"Brenda Starr" was one of several movies she made for Golan-Globus in the '80s, so technically it wasn't made for a studio at all. I do remember that it was unreleased for a long time, but 7 years is insane.

She said herself that most of them are probably not worth seeking out - though I do now want to see "Brenda Starr" and "Alice Sweet Alice"

She said herself that most of them are probably not worth seeking out - though I do now want to see "Brenda Starr" and "Alice Sweet Alice"

Me too!

Me too!