
I love that her kid (s?) call smoking "cigaretting"

I love that her kid (s?) call smoking "cigaretting"

I have to say too that Brooke Shields looked hilariously mannish in that mullet wig.

I have to say too that Brooke Shields looked hilariously mannish in that mullet wig.

Haha, I had forgotten about the "boobs punched in" line. I do love this show.

Haha, I had forgotten about the "boobs punched in" line. I do love this show.

After unwillingly having to sit through the first 10 minutes of Julie Taymor's "Titus", I'll never see anything she has anything to do with again (well, I'd see "The Lion King").

After unwillingly having to sit through the first 10 minutes of Julie Taymor's "Titus", I'll never see anything she has anything to do with again (well, I'd see "The Lion King").

I always thought there was something "off" about the "Pennies From Heaven" movie. Once I found out it had been a television series, it made sense that the movie felt somehow rushed.

I always thought there was something "off" about the "Pennies From Heaven" movie. Once I found out it had been a television series, it made sense that the movie felt somehow rushed.

Hilarity, definitely. Some of the "gay" jokes in Brooks' other movies did not land well, if at all, but "Watch! Me! Faggots!" is exquisite - probably due to the delivery. And that poor little fellow who ineffectually bats his hands against the big bruiser until he collapses, weeping with hysterical exhaustion, into

Hilarity, definitely. Some of the "gay" jokes in Brooks' other movies did not land well, if at all, but "Watch! Me! Faggots!" is exquisite - probably due to the delivery. And that poor little fellow who ineffectually bats his hands against the big bruiser until he collapses, weeping with hysterical exhaustion, into

I saw it. I forget why, though.

I saw it. I forget why, though.

People at the time sometimes said snarky things about her relationship with her mother being overly close - but I find it so impressive that she was kept so down-to-earth that she wasn't allowed to do things like buy Tiger Beat and Teen Whatever magazine. She always has seemed like just about the best-adjusted

People at the time sometimes said snarky things about her relationship with her mother being overly close - but I find it so impressive that she was kept so down-to-earth that she wasn't allowed to do things like buy Tiger Beat and Teen Whatever magazine. She always has seemed like just about the best-adjusted



I loved From A Buick 8 . I remember a glowing review from the time which talked about how it was a big step forward for King, and I really agreed.

I loved From A Buick 8 . I remember a glowing review from the time which talked about how it was a big step forward for King, and I really agreed.