
Uh…did my reply vanish? Anyway, you are definitely right. I'm not sure why, but I always heard it "head from a hole" and assumed that was "correct". Apparently, I am the only one to have done so, since "ass from a hole in the ground" is all OVER the damned internet. It still sounds wrong to me, though that television

Uh…did my reply vanish? Anyway, you are definitely right. I'm not sure why, but I always heard it "head from a hole" and assumed that was "correct". Apparently, I am the only one to have done so, since "ass from a hole in the ground" is all OVER the damned internet. It still sounds wrong to me, though that television

Yeah, it's probably not worth researching (I haven't either). "Shit from shinola" interests me, though, thanks. But in the end, they mean the same thing - dumb.

Yeah, it's probably not worth researching (I haven't either). "Shit from shinola" interests me, though, thanks. But in the end, they mean the same thing - dumb.

"Michael Jackson was a proponent in song of the following conservative-sanctioned pastimes: slut-shaming, and stalking. Now there is a newly-discovered song which also condones a conservative activity, said activity being abortion-something."

"Michael Jackson was a proponent in song of the following conservative-sanctioned pastimes: slut-shaming, and stalking. Now there is a newly-discovered song which also condones a conservative activity, said activity being abortion-something."



"world-wizened"? I had a friend tell me once that "wizened" meant "made wise by time", and incidentally it also referred to the wrinkles this passage of time causes, which are an incidental outward sign of this "wizening".

"world-wizened"? I had a friend tell me once that "wizened" meant "made wise by time", and incidentally it also referred to the wrinkles this passage of time causes, which are an incidental outward sign of this "wizening".

He's so dumb that:

He's so dumb that:

Yes, but at least it makes some sense - "He wouldn't know his head from a hole in the ground" means the same thing as "He don't know shit from shinola", and is a real phrase. Some TV bowlderizations, like "son of a biscuit eater" instead of "son of a bitch", for instance, not so much.

Yes, but at least it makes some sense - "He wouldn't know his head from a hole in the ground" means the same thing as "He don't know shit from shinola", and is a real phrase. Some TV bowlderizations, like "son of a biscuit eater" instead of "son of a bitch", for instance, not so much.

"This is your head, and that is a hole in the ground. Your head, a hole in the ground". At least it was still a workable joke.

"This is your head, and that is a hole in the ground. Your head, a hole in the ground". At least it was still a workable joke.

There was the comically-exaggerated blackout of the area which was supposedly filled with Borat's penis, that could be misremembered as a dildo. Funny as can be, too.

There was the comically-exaggerated blackout of the area which was supposedly filled with Borat's penis, that could be misremembered as a dildo. Funny as can be, too.

Aaaand…without even looking, I realize I'm thinking of the Punisher. For some reason I've always confused the two characters (and never read the books of either).

Aaaand…without even looking, I realize I'm thinking of the Punisher. For some reason I've always confused the two characters (and never read the books of either).