
OK, I've skimmed enough to see that my stupid question hasn't already been asked, so here goes: wasn't Dredd adapted for film twice? The Stallone one, and one later in the nineties, or even the early oughties?

OK, I've skimmed enough to see that my stupid question hasn't already been asked, so here goes: wasn't Dredd adapted for film twice? The Stallone one, and one later in the nineties, or even the early oughties?

I watched it! Very funny, very weird, and I'm sure it's even better without the laugh track.

I watched it! Very funny, very weird, and I'm sure it's even better without the laugh track.

Seriously, on the Reagan hate…one of Matt Groening's "slang of the future" phrases was "Reagan diddit". This was when we were young enough to not know that 1. things could usually be worse, and 2. eventually they probably would be.

Seriously, on the Reagan hate…one of Matt Groening's "slang of the future" phrases was "Reagan diddit". This was when we were young enough to not know that 1. things could usually be worse, and 2. eventually they probably would be.

I love love black licorice. Love it. So does my grandmother. Aaand - that's about it.

I love love black licorice. Love it. So does my grandmother. Aaand - that's about it.

I have a friend who is actually excited about these, because he loves candy corn.

I have a friend who is actually excited about these, because he loves candy corn.

Yep, I get it, after Googling pics of her specifically to look at her chest - for research. I'm going to watch the Rocketeer soon - I was on my way to a matinee of it way back when it was new and, for various reasons, never made it. Last night, in fact, I watched Batman Returns with a friend and we almost put in The

Yep, I get it, after Googling pics of her specifically to look at her chest - for research. I'm going to watch the Rocketeer soon - I was on my way to a matinee of it way back when it was new and, for various reasons, never made it. Last night, in fact, I watched Batman Returns with a friend and we almost put in The

I don't, um…

I don't, um…

So that's one "agree" and one "agree with reservations" - or is it two of the latter?

So that's one "agree" and one "agree with reservations" - or is it two of the latter?

Yes! I couldn't put my finger on it, quite, but that's it.

Yes! I couldn't put my finger on it, quite, but that's it.

Yes, he is an aberration, but it works in the movie for me. I mean, he's obviously tipped mentally, and his glee is of a piece with a Batman who has multiple identical Batsuits waiting on hangers, but still takes care to choose just the right one. In "Batman" there's talk of his being closer to the weirdos he fights

Yes, he is an aberration, but it works in the movie for me. I mean, he's obviously tipped mentally, and his glee is of a piece with a Batman who has multiple identical Batsuits waiting on hangers, but still takes care to choose just the right one. In "Batman" there's talk of his being closer to the weirdos he fights