
Don't be fresh!

Why a woman?

Why a woman?

I saw it on the big screen a month ago and the second "false ending", in Judy's hotel room, with the kissing again and the swelling music again, and the it's- going-to-happen-AGAIN again, was so intense it literally made me want to scream "STO-O-O-O-OP!!!"

I saw it on the big screen a month ago and the second "false ending", in Judy's hotel room, with the kissing again and the swelling music again, and the it's- going-to-happen-AGAIN again, was so intense it literally made me want to scream "STO-O-O-O-OP!!!"

I was sitting with a friend talking about movies, and Hitchcock movies, and I told her "I like TOPAZ, myself" and she said "Oh, TOPAZ is a masterpiece". I was…surprised. Then she saw the look on my face and said "Wait, which one's TOPAZ"?

I was sitting with a friend talking about movies, and Hitchcock movies, and I told her "I like TOPAZ, myself" and she said "Oh, TOPAZ is a masterpiece". I was…surprised. Then she saw the look on my face and said "Wait, which one's TOPAZ"?

Aw man, now hearing someone say "I saw Vertigo, and I just don't get what the big deal is!" will probably happen more often.

Aw man, now hearing someone say "I saw Vertigo, and I just don't get what the big deal is!" will probably happen more often.

Ajajajaja. New favorite.

Ajajajaja. New favorite.

Yes, the Nicholas Ray movie with Cyd Charisse and Robert Taylor

Yes, the Nicholas Ray movie with Cyd Charisse and Robert Taylor

Now, a "Party Girl" DVD! I went to the rental place I used to go to all the time, and they have Warners Archives discs - I wonder if they have "Party Girl"!

Now, a "Party Girl" DVD! I went to the rental place I used to go to all the time, and they have Warners Archives discs - I wonder if they have "Party Girl"!

No offense intended - it is pretty bizarre. All of it.

No offense intended - it is pretty bizarre. All of it.

True, he was one of only two performers (the other was Eddie Murphy) not to have gotten the axe after the disastrous season which immediately followed Lorne Michaels' departure. They were therefore linked to some degree in people's minds, and they bonded as survivors. I think people just hadn't gotten a good enough

True, he was one of only two performers (the other was Eddie Murphy) not to have gotten the axe after the disastrous season which immediately followed Lorne Michaels' departure. They were therefore linked to some degree in people's minds, and they bonded as survivors. I think people just hadn't gotten a good enough

"The Land of Chocolate…"