
Yeah, there was a time in the late 80s when they explored the "gay lifestyle", including being afraid to go to a gay bar, then finding it was full of people who looked exactly like them.

Especially Childhood Is Hell ("Q: Why do your parents belittle you? A: Because they want you to be little") and Love Is Hell ("At night, the ice weasels come").

Especially Childhood Is Hell ("Q: Why do your parents belittle you? A: Because they want you to be little") and Love Is Hell ("At night, the ice weasels come").

Where the elite meet to eat reheated meaty treats.

Where the elite meet to eat reheated meaty treats.

I plead alignment, to the flakes, of the untitled snakes of a merry cow. And to the Republicans, for which we scam, one nachos, underpants, with licorice, and jugs of wine, for owls.

I plead alignment, to the flakes, of the untitled snakes of a merry cow. And to the Republicans, for which we scam, one nachos, underpants, with licorice, and jugs of wine, for owls.

You are not alone - I can't believe I didn't comment on this before, since I was so excited when it came out. I went to my local video store (remember those?) and asked if they had the "new, other" Superman II. They insisted to each other that I obviously meant Superman Returns…which was frustrating.

The "turn back the world" save at the end was originally filmed for Superman II; it was only added to Superman when the crunch for time left them without a filmed ending (it was originally supposed to end the way this Superman II begins). I agree it had a lot more heft to it when he does it to save Lois' life - here,

I thought "meh" originated on "Seinfeld", but I might be confusing it with "yadda yadda" (which I know didn't originate on Seinfeld, but you know what I mean)

I thought "meh" originated on "Seinfeld", but I might be confusing it with "yadda yadda" (which I know didn't originate on Seinfeld, but you know what I mean)

He was maybe too much of a gentleman to hit a girl. Maybe.

He was maybe too much of a gentleman to hit a girl. Maybe.

He would be, but he's got a liver that's only 16 years old.

He would be, but he's got a liver that's only 16 years old.

Man, those eyebrows were impressive.

Man, those eyebrows were impressive.

I'm 46 also, and I scoffed at the news, but watched it anyway. I doubt I'll watch it again - too many boring kids on the show (who were about 10 years too young to be the characters they were playing) - but I don't mind it so much.

I'm 46 also, and I scoffed at the news, but watched it anyway. I doubt I'll watch it again - too many boring kids on the show (who were about 10 years too young to be the characters they were playing) - but I don't mind it so much.

@avclub-2e6b9f9c5cdd2f655ddd1a057b4bde82:disqus Jane Wyman is especially terrific - you can tell she really relished playing a different character from the sweeties she played in the 1040s and 50s. She is a total bee, but a believable, uncartoony one. When she dressed someone down, it really had some bite.