
@avclub-2e6b9f9c5cdd2f655ddd1a057b4bde82:disqus Jane Wyman is especially terrific - you can tell she really relished playing a different character from the sweeties she played in the 1040s and 50s. She is a total bee, but a believable, uncartoony one. When she dressed someone down, it really had some bite.

Yes I remember reading about that in the late '70s, in the National Enquirer. It was an especially dick move for him, since he'd been a smoker himself - but maybe it was just a little fan. I'd always imagined it as a portable hair dryer.

Yes I remember reading about that in the late '70s, in the National Enquirer. It was an especially dick move for him, since he'd been a smoker himself - but maybe it was just a little fan. I'd always imagined it as a portable hair dryer.

Larry Hagman got a new liver about 20 years ago.

Larry Hagman got a new liver about 20 years ago.

Well, Bobby does have cancer in his guts - maybe that's why.

Well, Bobby does have cancer in his guts - maybe that's why.

I never watched it when it was new, but I've been watching "Falcon Crest" on dvd and gosh, it sure is entertaining.

I never watched it when it was new, but I've been watching "Falcon Crest" on dvd and gosh, it sure is entertaining.

It was genuinely stupid - so stupid that parts of it were torture to watch. But yes, when J.R. got on his feet, with that look on his face that said he had about ten times as much going on in his evil noggin as anyone else, it was almost exciting. Now, if only they'd get rid of those boring and way-too-young kids…and

It was genuinely stupid - so stupid that parts of it were torture to watch. But yes, when J.R. got on his feet, with that look on his face that said he had about ten times as much going on in his evil noggin as anyone else, it was almost exciting. Now, if only they'd get rid of those boring and way-too-young kids…and

"There's a bongo under the table! Get out! Get out of the room!"

"There's a bongo under the table! Get out! Get out of the room!"

Nescafe Classico - truly the best instant coffee available.

Nescafe Classico - truly the best instant coffee available.

True, about it being for Mr Weyland, I mean. I hadn't thought of that. Still kind of fishy.

True, about it being for Mr Weyland, I mean. I hadn't thought of that. Still kind of fishy.

It was really bizarre that the surgery-machine was only set to operate on male anatomy. Statement? I think it may have been - women's healthcare is still a joke in the future.

It was really bizarre that the surgery-machine was only set to operate on male anatomy. Statement? I think it may have been - women's healthcare is still a joke in the future.

Her husband/partner/boyfriend (I don't remember which) was about as convincing as an archaeologist as Denise Richards was as a scientist in whichever that Bond movie that was that she was in.