Myles McNutt Melts My Cunt

I think the Roots can go to HELLLLLLL.

C'mon… you aren't going to watch Predators.

Cos Allen stil makes a great movie now and then (Match Point).

I've never seen an Italian horror film I've liked. Is there something wrong with me? I thought Jennifer was pretty good, though.

Y'know, your last comment actually makes a lot of sense but keep in mind that this is, after all, just a television show.

Fuck John Cage? Oh hell yes, anytime!!

Didn't John Cage already do this???

A- ??? I was thinking that I'd give it a C. Overall I give this season so far a C- or D

I'm still holding out hope that Deb goes full retard.

Creepshow Cockroaches
I know this is an old article but I have to say (in case no one else has brought it up) that the cockroaches vs evil-rich-old-man bit was scary as hell. It traumatized by 7 year-old self and is probably responsible for my sissy-freak outs whenever I see one of those disgusting creatures.

No disrespect to white people in shitty climates. I'm rather pasty myself.

I'm interested in Shameless, too, mostly because Emmy Rossum shows quite a bit of skin in the adverts ;)

It's probably been mentioned 100 times already
but is Vanilla Ice an embarrassment to human beings everywhere or WHAT?

The show was renewed for two seasons so we've got at least one more after this.

interesting theory. You're probably right, all this will interconnect.

Well, what I was driving at is that it would be interesting to see Dex slip into complete insanity while bringing the show to an end. I think it's time this show gets wrapped up before everything gets stale. Character-wise I would be fascinated to see Dex just lose all control.

You melt my cunt.

I've never watched this show
or had any interest at all. From what I've overheard/read this cast seem like a bunch of sub-mental apes. But I have to admit it sounds fascinating… so should I check this out, keeping in mind that it's basically a human zoo populated with circus-rejects or should I just move along,

I like half your idea. I like the show as an hour-long serial but I'm get bored with all the sub-plots.

eh, same thing. Buncha white people in shitty climates.