Myles McNutt Melts My Cunt

Pretty Little Liars
Never saw it, but my god that is a sexy cast of broads.


um, well, my copy of 2001 has extras…

[that are]

[Never saw a single episode of 'Lost' which leads me to believe that are all nerds.]

Pac sux. Hypocritical little ghetto intellect ruined by egotism and stupidity.

That is all.

I slept through Cop Lard.

Go4's latest EP is the saddest stage of their career yet. Bruce's drumming with PiL was great. This makes me wonder if he's going to record on the new PiL album, assuming it ever gets made.

I'm downloading "For How Much Longer Do We Tolerate Mass Murder?" right now. phhhhht!

I was once majorly into hip-hop as well but then I celebrated my 9th birthday.

Avatar Avatar, you speak good sense.

Thora Birch
is no American beauty.

I really liked season 3 but this finale really pissed me off.

What the fuck? I am VERY disappointed in this. This season has, in general, been tedious and has been testing my patience since episode 3 and it all builds up… to this?

What didn't Diddy do?

But ..if they HATE him, why do they listen?!?

You. Want me. To. Lick. Your. Ass?

Sirius. GoddammitalltoHell.

I hope he comes back at least as a guest. I just watched his comedy show Jack n Coke and my god is he funny. He's better on Stern than as a stand-up (he's very lucky to have such an adoring audience) but still a talented, decent guy.