Myles McNutt Melts My Cunt

Anywhere - It's not an attempt to troll, it's a question. I'm sorry that you fail to see the difference.

Woohoo! I love cock!

A lot of Stern hate here…
Could it be that some of you are jealous of him because he's managed to stay relevant (you're all still talking about him after all) and make a shit-ton of money doing whatever the hell he wants to do and then goes home to his model-wife and fucks her brains out?


I want to be IN a girl.

in. In a girl.

I want to be a girl.

Twitter is gay butt-masturbation for twats and twits tweeting twattage from their rectums.

They would start airing old episodes of The Comic Strip Presents & The Young Ones, my life would be perfect…

Jack White
is going to spread cancer to all of you.


is what I meant

Cosgrove looks like a your C. Zeta-Jones
anyone else see this?

Could you all PLEASE stop mentioning the comic?
I've never read them. I don't read comics (because I'm not 12) and I've all ready heard two potential spoilers in these comments. Just chill on the damn comic, all right? I'd like to read this without constantly averting my eyes to try and keep this series fresh.

Deport All Rappers
Really. To hell with the PC crap. Anyone who picks up a microphone and "raps" into it should be incarcerated immediately and shipped away to a remote island as soon as a plane can be arranged.

Nobosy mentioned how hot Stiles was in her "disguise". She really ought to go brunette for awhile. Granted, she looked kinda slutty…. but hot.

Fuck me! Unpleasant. Preview post option, please. I really do know how to spell.

Spanish is such an unpleassant language.

I have all these songs all ready. I don't have a record player either, I threw it out along with my dinosaur.

leave Andy Dick alone…