Myles McNutt Melts My Cunt

the… first? …time.

This episode was just so boring. I'm tired of the whole Angel-La Guerta story and tonight's Harry-explains-it-all was just laughably obvious and bad. I thought that getting rid of the kids would mean Dex is freed up for some major darkness but the writer's seem content to give us emo-Dex for now.

The nanny
"I don't honestly think that the show would make Dexter's new nanny an evil character (since that would just beggar belief), "

For the first time I am really bored with Dexter. I hope this season get's off it's ass soon or I may just bail.

Pretty harsh criticism
I give this episode a B or B+, I really enjoyed Latifa's character and Tracy Morgan screaming "I'll kill you, White Devil!". The 'colored' and 'whites' signs at the bathroom doors were funny, too.

Probably one of the broadest episode ever but
I laughed my butt off when Andy's phone rang on stage. I've accepted that show will never be as great as it once was but so far this season is working for me.

I have this thought every single day.

I miss having a home.

I had a girlfriend who listened to nothing but emo and shitty pop songs
It's a miracle that I never killed her.

If I may be a shameless plugging bastard
My facebook is called Mel Gibsonsays

Why oh why
Oh why is that disgusting tacky troll from Guido Shore or whatever the fuck considered by some to be hot??!?

A fat man danced to a milkshake?
That's fucking woof. I only made it halfway and then I reverted to the internet for 'tainment. This show is the worst thing to ever exist. A major letdown after 30 rock and the Office.

I heard Ellen Page eats carpet. I dunno, that's just what I heard.
