Funny show, but it's okay to call it quits: there's only so much directions you can go with 'former mega-star allows some humor at his expense'.
Funny show, but it's okay to call it quits: there's only so much directions you can go with 'former mega-star allows some humor at his expense'.
for a movie about drugs it was missing the part about gay prostitution
And why was 23-year-old Cara Delevingne cast as a woman with a PhD and a 36-year-old boyfriend?
sticking our fingers in our ears so we don't have to hear about 'due process' aren't we?
Please let black women (and black men) direct more movies that are not about 'black issues'. Not because there is anything wrong with seeing black people on screen or with telling about their specific problems but because they shouldn't be locked in that niche of 'activist story-teller'
Dunno, i kinda feel the problem isn't as much with the simpsons declinig in quality but more that society changed into not wanting to put up with Homer's bullshit anymore.
Good point, lol.
No he wasn't. He's just good at finding pretentious movies that people want to like.
I feel kinda the opposite about that: there have already been so much stories focussing on people getting the label for unfair reasons that a large part of the interent now downplays each reference to the pedophile label. And some extent that to sympathy for actual pedophiles.
And also, you know how the creeps always say "I've never had so much as a parking ticket!" before they admit the horrible truth? Well—I've gotten parking tickets. Lots of 'em.
I liked this documentary because it felt like they were really trying to show the different cases in a way that makes it a 'day in the life' rather than trying to push an opinion onto the viewer ('they were only arrested for public urination', 'they are all victims themselves','they are irredeemale monsters').
i didn't like it.
throughout the hiatus we were promised the answer to 'how did he do it'. but in this episode we got a half-hearted 'does it REALLY matter how he did it? isn't the mystery and speculation more fun?'
uhm no. it was fun to speculate and think up wild obviously-wrong theories on fan-forums, not fun when…
i kinda agree. it scares of casual fans: who don't feel like hunting down all webisodes, but then can't follow the story anymore.
ideally such extras should only give cute little details about background characters, and stay away from any big plot points.
the dr who movie was my initiation into the dr who mythos.
so i'm just glad they are not trying to ignore its existence, and gave paul mcgann another go at playing the character.
maybe disney-managament was also doing heroin and didn't notice they let a movie slip through that is
(a) not condescending to kids,
(b) doesn't have the 'obnoxious acting-way-to-mature kid that has no businesses hanging around sportsmen' character
(c) celebrates dignity, self-respect and friendship over professional…
and than real-life rudy pestered everyone in hollywood for a decade to please make a movie about him
(the real life coach on the other hand seems to have been a nice guy who was happy to give the kid a chance to play)
maybe it's that with google and modern communication facts are often way more easy to disprove than 30 years ago (when it used to be that 'finding the truth' required much more work than went in the original article).
and that with blogs everybody fancies themselves a journalist, but instead of writing a real story…
you just wrote my next fanfic ;) they are both yummy *swoon*
so here i'm just glad they didn't actually tell us 'the name of the doctor', because
1: once they decide to tell it will be a cheap ratings-gimmick and the sign they are desperate for viewers to tune in
2: i like the idea that there is this secret between the doctor and his wife that even we, the viewers, are not…
i like alex kingston, both as an action-hero companion (her fearlessness and intelligence reminds me of donna noble: my favorite companion) and as the doctor's wife. and i dislike it that we seem to have gone from 'marriage' to 'widower' immediately, with their married life only hinted to in other episodes.
my guess…