Horse Badorties

You can also find it on RFTT's "The Day The Earth Met The Rocket From The Tombs" and on Laughner's "Take The Guitar Player For A Ride," both of which I own, because, well, I'm a fan.

Yeah.  He was supposed to read it for his book club but couldn't get through it, so he tried to rent the movie at the video store but found it had already been rented by an upper-middle-class African-American man and his daughter, so he went to their place and asked if he could watch it with them, and then hilarious

Ahem. Walt's not really a "dealer," he's a cook. Even when it was just him and Jesse, Walt was just cooking and Jesse was the one dealing. A mere issue of semantics, I know, and I doubt a jury would make much of a distinction, but, you know, I just wanted to point that out.

I see, Sean.  Much like how Captain Beefheart, Don Vliet, changed his name to Don Van Vliet.

That was the first thing I thought of too, after Airplane.  God, I'm fucking old.

Todd VanDerWerff is a black guy?  Probably dances like Carlton Banks, I bet.

Isn't his surname "Von Trier" and not just "Trier"?  Maybe I just don't understand Danish surnames, but I didn't think "Von" was his middle name.  From now on I'm just referring to Dick Van Dyke as "Dyke."

Did anybody get the impression that she had no idea who Holly Golightly was and was just covering?

Liked for Big Star reference.

This almost doesn't count because it only mentions several actual musical acts, but it has always been one of my favorite Bonzo Dog Band numbers.

It was disqualified on the basis of being godawful.

OtP, that was Jean Hill biting the tire, actually, and it was funny as fuck.

My name is Buck and I'm here to have sex.

I like the Tin Man.

Skeletor is actually pretty buff. Just sayin'.

Like a modern-day freelance William Castle.

I read the comic book. Yes, there was a comic book offshoot.

Ooh, Fender Bassman!

Bladderball Jones.