Juan Jamon

Sorry, but to say the political contexts for each film are interchangeable and therefore irrelevant is ludicrous. Comparing post-9/11 America to a literal authoritarian dictatorship that assassinated, tortured, and disappeared tens of thousands of people with impunity is so wildly out of sync, I'm not sure there's any

The best meat's in the rump.

*descends to slightly lower level*
*clears throat*

*ascends highest mountain in the land**sharply inhales for 3 straight minutes*

I'm judging it based on the fact he directly aided in the brutal deaths of tens of thousands of people in Central America in the 80s and should be in prison. Him providing 'color' through his intimate knowledge of supporting death squads is blood money.

You…. do know who Oliver North is, right?

Legitimately angry Oliver North had anything to do with this show.

Moment of the season was the reveal of Elijah's suit shorts.

That was a perfect ending. Anyone expecting a big mythos reveal hasn't been paying attention to the series as a whole which was about the two characters at the center. The big reveal is both characters embracing the humanism they had been avoiding their entire lives and acknowledging they can only chip away at the big

The physical comedy happening in this episode had my dying. Abbi rolling trying to escape from the waiting room, to trying to escape from the three way make out, to escaping from the copy store via head kick was joyous to watch.

Look how stupid you are


That's just Nic Cage in a wig on the right, isn't it?

Which paved the way for the coup in Guatemala the following year and fucking over the rest of Latin America for the next 50.


Boo this man. BOO THIS MAN!

I'm glad America can finally start profiting from slavery!

I can't believe Carrie fucked Josh Homme!

The gentleman's G+

Y'all can't aim for shit.