
Compare him to his appearance on Fringe (an argument could be made that was the best Fringe episode ever) and The Last Ship among others, it's amazing how different he can be from role to role (or in the case of Fringe, the same episode in multiple roles.)

Is it even safe now, though? In Right to Work states, if they find out, they can fire you without recourse. What good is it if you have to keep your marriage a secret? I'm not saying it's not a right worth having but … you know it's just terrible in a way I can't quite articulate.

I said it before but I still hope they keep her and send on assignment, periodically bringing her back when you need May in more than one place at once and also so May and May can have the best arguments because they're so alike. Stargate SG-1 did some great things with this very concept.

Lucifer crossover confirmed.

Does he also make and sell soap?

Like what if other Radcliffe hanging out with the villains is also an LMD? That would actually seem prudent on his part, to be somewhere away from them too, lest they double cross him as well.

It wasn't the greatest CGI fire either on top of everything else, was it?

Well, yes of course. There has to be a "Stop hitting me, I'm trying to help you!" scene first.

It's not ruled out yet. Maybe they're von Neuman machines.

That's a brilliant idea. He was the best thing in the GI Joe sequel, his selfless sacrifice saved us all from that madman in the White House.

Only real weirdos say you're like a son to them when they're your actual father.

Oh God, that was meant to be a portmanteau? I was just going "huh?" the entire time and then the next scene happened and I (rightly) forgot about it until seeing that.

I hope so! They made big thing about discussing if machines have souls.

A good recruitment strategy uses multiple approaches.

I really did wish that LMD May got away and went on to find some way to beat her programming and save original May, though in some law of unintended consequences in her setup while also permanently ruining Radcliffe's plans (he's so smug! - hence he really needs to be taught a lesson …)

"L.T Koenig … wait a minute, it's Lieutenant Koenig!"

Most of the Avengers, probably.

Possibly, though to be honest, Maze hasn't been showing a lot of competence in a great many simpler things, social interaction and otherwise (also remember, Dr Martin just said she'd only just showed Maze the basics of the device.)

There was a mention at the time that after arriving in Charlotte, Lucifer's mother doesn't get to bounce to anyone else anymore for some reason that might have been mentioned but I can't remember if it was. I do remember they said the next death (if irretrievable by medical science happened, was permanent, however -

Well, that means God isn't all-powerful or infallible either … and that's another potential can of worms. Though, I guess we could be going down the Preacher road even if just a bit, so to speak. I haven't read the printed version of this yet but my understanding is that God in those wasn't quite the all-powerful